Adams 12 Five Star Schools is a caring, inclusive, and engaging district which exists so the students it serves can attain the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue the future of their choosing and are equipped to navigate and thrive in our rapidly changing world.
This cut would mean larger class sizes. Contact your legislators with concerns.
Ms. Bonifas' class at Arapahoe Ridge Elementary contributed food items to the school resource room
Family Outreach Liaisons learn to view differences as assets at professional development event
Horizon High School students go to Colorado State Legislature to advocate for "Emperor" mushroom
The Horizon High School Wind Ensemble performed for the Colorado Music Educators Association
Hillcrest Elementary created a powerful tribute to celebrate Black History Month icons
Stargate Elementary music students perform in glow-in-the dark concerts at the end of January
The Mental Health Team and Community Engagement Council created a meaningful bulletin board
Woodglen Elementary has Jojo the social-emotional support dog to support students with emotions
The 2025 Adams 12 Five Star Schools Spelling Bee hosted at The Studio School has concluded
Preschool is the perfect place for your child to begin their learning journey in the Five Star District.
Career and Technical Education
CTE programming gives all students a competitive advantage as they enter college, career or the military.
Gifted and Talented
Gifted programming helps students navigate their growth and develops their full potential.
Special Education
Student Support Services supports student academic performance and nurtures student social development.
Alternative Education
We have a number of alternative education options. Some you apply to, and some are referral programs.
STEM uses science, technology, engineering and math to bring relevance to student work.
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What makes it home for us, is watching him thrive and be happy when he goes to school.
Jamie Fries, parent of Deaf and Hard of Hearing child