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English Language Proficiency

Phone: 720-972-4029


Under federal program-Title I, Colorado is required to administer academic achievement assessments to all students as well as an English Language Proficiency assessment to English learners.  The state of Colorado utilizes the ACCESS assessment to monitor students progress in acquiring academic English.  The WIDA (World Class Instructional Design and Assessment)  ACCESS Placement Test, or W-APT, is used in identification of students as English Language Learners.

W-APT is a semi-secure English language proficiency "screener" test given to incoming students who may be designated as English learners (EL). It assists educators with programmatic placement decisions, such as identification and placement of ELs. For students in grades 1-12 the W-APT screener is taken online. The W-APT is one component EL identification.

ACCESS for ELLs® is a secure, large-scale English language proficiency assessment given annually to kindergarten through 12th-graders who have been identified as English language learners (ELLs). It provides educators and parents information about the English language proficiency level in the language areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

This assessment aligns to the Colorado English Language Proficiency, or CELP standards.

Visit the WIDA website for more information about W-APT or ACCESS for ELLs