Phone: 720-972-4029
The College Board suite of assessments administered to 9th, 10th and 11th grade students are designed to measure, at grade level, the skills and knowledge that current research shows are essential for college and career readiness and success.
PSAT 8/9 - The PSAT 8/9 serves as a baseline for students to determine if they are on track with the skills and knowledge necessary for college and career readiness. The PSAT 8/9 will be given annually to 9th grade students in the spring. For additional information please visit CDE’s PSAT site.
PSAT 10 -The PSAT 10 serves as a check-in on student progress to help pinpoint areas of development. The PSAT 10 is given annually to 10th grade students in the spring. For additional information please visit CDE’s PSAT site.
SAT - serves as a measure for students to determine if they have the skills and knowledge to be successful post-graduation. The SAT also serves as an admission test and is accepted by every college in the United States. For additional information on the SAT please visit CDE’s SAT website.