Are District-authorized charter schools still considered Adams 12 Five Star Schools?
Yes, although each charter school has its own board of directors and has autonomy over many issues, including curriculum and staffing.
How do I enroll my child in a charter school?
Each charter school has its own enrollment timeline and process. Please visit the respective school’s website for more information.
If I change my mind, can my child to return to his/her neighborhood school after enrolling in a charter school?
Adams 12 Five Star Schools Policy 5260 explains the process for a parent to request a student transfer from a charter school to a neighborhood school.
Do charter schools accept students with disabling conditions, including special education students and/or students on Section 504 plans ?
Yes. The Charter Schools Act [C.R.S. 22-30.5-104 (3)] prohibits discrimination on the basis of need for special education services. As a public school, a charter school must comply with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Office of Civil Rights (OCR), and CO's Exceptional Children's Education Act (ECEA).
Will my child’s ALP (advanced learning plan) as an identified gifted / talented student be supported at a charter school?
Yes. Charter schools should identify and serve gifted learners as would occur in any neighborhood school.
Will my child’s MLL (Multi-Language Learner) plan be supported at a charter school?
Yes. Charter schools should identify and serve Multi-Language Learner students as would occur in any neighborhood school.
What do I do if I have a concern or complaint regarding my child’s charter school?
Each charter school has its own communication pathways. In general, charter schools encourage parents to first talk directly with the student’s teacher about classroom-related issues. Then, parents may contact the school administration for more serious issues or issues that cannot be resolved with the teacher. Finally, if the issue remains unresolved, each school has a pathway to bring the issue to the attention of the school’s independent school board.
Do charter schools charge tuition?
No. Charter schools are funded by taxpayer dollars and are free and available to all students.
Do charter schools receive mill levy override and/or bond funds?
Yes. Each District-authorized charter school receives a proportionate share of all mill levy dollars, which is impacted by the length of time the school has been authorized by the District. Charter schools also have opportunities to participate in bond initiatives.
Can my child play sports and participate in extracurricular activities at a charter school?
Yes. Charter students may participate in any sports or extracurricular activities offered by the charter school. If the charter school does not offer a particular sport or activity offered at the student’s neighborhood school, the student may participate on the neighborhood school’s team.
Can charter parents be represented on district community leadership roles.
Yes. Charter schools commonly have parent representatives on district committees, including the District Accountability Committee.
Do charter schools provide lunch, including free or reduced price lunch?
Yes. All District-authorized charter schools provide student lunches, including free or reduced price lunches for those students who qualify.
Do charter schools provide transportation?
While charter schools are allowed to provide transportation, no District-authorized charter schools currently provide this service, except identified as a related service for a student with a disability.