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Adams 12 Five Star Schools has provided district-managed Chromebooks to every K-12 student. As students engage in digital learning and build their digital literacy skills, we are committed to ensuring a safe learning environment. As part of this, the district uses a suite of tools called GoGuardian to provide web filtering services and tools for teachers to use as they support digital learning. Here is an overview of the services we use and how they work:

GoGuardian Web Filtering (provided by GoGuardian Admin)

This tool is automatically enabled any time a student logs into their school Google Account, whether that is on a personal device or a district-owned Chromebook. Families who do not want this extension on their personal devices should instruct their child NOT to log in to their school Google account on their personal device. This tool is only active when students are logged into their school Google account.

GoGuardian web filtering filters students’ internet browsing, YouTube searches and Google documents, much like students would expect to experience when using a school desktop computer. The filtering is designed to prevent students from encountering web content that might be harmful or inappropriate.


GoGuardian Teacher

Teachers who use this tool will notify families ahead of time. GoGuardian Teacher is active during a GoGuardian class when students are logged into Google Chrome using their district Google account during the course of the school day from 7 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. 

  • GoGuardian Teacher will activate during class whether students are logged into their school account on a personal computer or a school-owned Chromebook. If you do not want GoGuardian Teacher to activate on your child’s personal device, please instruct them to use their district-issued Chromebook rather than their personal device. It’s encouraged that students leave personal devices at home, and use their district-provided Chromebook for school.

  • Teachers can see student Chrome browser tabs and the schoolwork they’re doing in order to easily identify students who are struggling or may need more guidance. 

  • Teachers can support student learning by blocking sites, closing tabs, or locking students to a specific website in their browser; sending links to websites they want students to view; or using chat to help students complete an assignment. 

  • Teachers can use this tool to chat directly with individual students without disturbing the rest of the class, increasing participation and engagement. 

  • Teachers can quickly and easily share links and information with students, helping everyone make the most of their class time together.
  • A teacher is not able to take control of students’ computers, camera or access information or files stored on the computer. 

How does GoGuardian help protect my child’s privacy?

To help your child remain safe online, GoGuardian collects certain personally identifiable information about your child.  GoGuardian has consulted with privacy experts, participates in privacy organizations, is a proud signatory of the Student Privacy Pledge, and has been awarded certifications by iKeepSafe for complying with both Family Education Rights and Privacy Act and Colorado student privacy laws.  For more detailed information about GoGuardian, you may visit GoGuardian’s website, Trust & Privacy Center, GoGuardian’s Product Privacy Policy, and the COPPA Notice and Disclosure Form.