Standards and Report Cards
Working Together
To support families in realizing the goals of the Colorado Academic Standards, the documents below provide an overview of the learning expectations. These guides summarize specific grade-level standards and indicators used for determining progress within each content area in Adams 12 Five Star Schools. The district provides this information as a tool to help families support each student’s learning.
The Purpose of Standards
Created by Coloradans for Colorado students, the Colorado Academic Standards provide a grade-by-grade road map to help ensure that students are successful in college, careers and life. The standards define what students will learn in multiple content areas – emphasizing critical-thinking, creativity, problem solving, collaboration and communication as important life skills in the 21st century.
The Purpose of Report Cards
Adams 12 Five Star Schools’ elementary and middle school report cards provide information about each student’s progress toward meeting grade-level standards across all content areas. Additional comments from the student’s teachers may also be included. A report card is sent home at the end of each semester, in January and May. Please know that the report card is designed to describe a student’s overall progress toward grade-level standards and expectations. A report card should not serve as the only communication between the school and parents. The Five Star District believes in the importance of maintaining open, ongoing communication with all parents and guardians. Families are strongly encouraged to communicate with teachers throughout the school year to ensure that there is a strong bond and partnership between home and school.
A Family's Guide to Standards and Report Cards
Kindergarten (Spanish) (Dari) (Pashto)
First Grade (Spanish) (Dari) (Pashto)
Second Grade (Spanish) (Dari) (Pashto)
Third Grade (Spanish) (Dari) (Pashto)
Fourth Grade (Spanish) (Dari) (Pashto)
Fifth Grade (Spanish) (Dari) (Pashto)
Middle School
Sixth Grade (Spanish) (Dari) (Pashto)
Seventh Grade (Spanish) (Dari) (Pashto)
Eighth Grade (Spanish) (Dari) (Pashto)