Dispute Resolution
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The McKinney-Vento law requires states and school districts to follow a dispute resolution process when parents, guardians, or unaccompanied youth and schools or local educational agencies (LEAs) or school districts disagree on the enrollment or educational placement (school selection) of homeless children and youth.
The dispute resolution procedure is intended to represent each party’s views for objective consideration so that disagreements can be brought to closure expeditiously. During the dispute process, the law requires that the LEA notify the family with a “District Written Explanation Letter” and to allow the child or youth to attend the school that the parents or guardians wish their child to attend, or that the unaccompanied youth wishes to attend, to minimize educational disruption.
The parent/guardian and the unaccompanied youth are assisted by the Homeless Education Liaison during the dispute period. Parents/guardians and unaccompanied youth may dispute the school’s decision and ask for an appeal.