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Cultural Resources

The Native American Educational Program is not only available for the Native American families that attend Adams 12 Five Stars Schools but also can be resource for the entire district.  The better educated all people are regarding the history and advancements of Native Americans the more likely some of the difficulties faced by Native American students within the school district can be alleviated.  All people within any society gain when all members are treated with the same level of respect they deserve.

Educational Organizations

There are a number of Native American Educational Organizations that help create, compile and/or review the increasing amount of information or fiction given to the public regarding Native American people.  These organizations can help any educator with additional resources and insight regarding the historical and contemporary portrayal of Native American people.

Website & Blogs

Native American thoughts and ideals are not only limited to the past.  As with all people Native American people have also utilized the technologies available.  There are several Native American Websites and Blogs that supply readily available information for any teacher or student.


Art and Music

Indian Country News

Legal Cases & Information Affecting Indian Country

  • Turtle Talk (Indigenous Law and Policy Center Blog, Michigan State University College of Law)

Books & Literature

Additional Cultural Resources

If there is a website or book that should be included here please contact us.