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Summer Programs

American Indian Summer Institute In Earth System Science at Univ of California, Irvine (This program is in conjunction with La Jolla Band of Luiseno) Free 2 week program with scholarships available for students that would need to travel to the program. Graduating 8th graders included.

Fastweb Scholarship and internship online search site

Colorado State University Native Education Forum Summer 6 day program for rising high school juniors and seniors that can lead to 1 unit of college credit if the student decides to attend CSU

Northern Arizona University Environmental Education Outreach Program Short Internship Program for high school and college students. See the site for details.

Be sure to check for application deadlines and costs.  Some summer programs have scholarships be sure to check.  

Additional Summer Programs

If there is summer program that is not included here please contact us with the organization’s name and web address.