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Title I

Phone: 720-972-4140

Title I, Part A, provides resources to help ensure that all children have the opportunity to receive a quality education, resulting in their attainment of high academic standards. Title I targets resources to districts and schools whose needs are the greatest. The program is the largest ESEA program supporting both elementary and secondary education. The USDE allocates funds based on census poverty rates from ages 5 through 17. Essentially, Title I focuses on providing additional instructional time in core subject areas. Eligibility is based on statutory formulas.

Title I Program

Title I funds are specifically targeted for children ages 5-17 experiencing poverty. There are two allowable approaches for serving  of Title I Schools. Schools are designated as either Schoolwide or Targeted Assistance. Adams 12 Five Star Schools has chosen to utilize the Schoolwide approach to serve eligible schools.  

Title I Schoolwide schools receive funds for students and has gone through a year-long collaborative planning process to create a comprehensive plan for improving student achievement.  This plan is developed by teachers, principals, paraprofessionals, support staff, parents, and community members. Schoolwide programs provide:

  • Flexibility - combining resources, serving all students, redesigning the school and its services
  • Coordination and Integration - reduction of curricular and instructional fragmentation
  • Accountability - clear and coordinated; all students are responsible for achieving the same high standards and all teachers are responsible for teaching to and assessing growth toward the standards and benchmarks.
  • Unified Goals - schoolwide programs bring parents, the community and the school together to redesign and improve the school.

2024-2025 Title I Part A Supported Schools

  • Centennial Elementary
  • Coronado Hills Elementary 
  • Federal Heights Elementary 
  • Five Star Online K-8
  • Hillcrest Elementary 
  • Leroy Elementary 
  • Malley Drive Elementary 
  • McElwain Elementary 
  • North Mor Elementary 
  • North Star Elementary 
  • Rocky Mountain Elementary 
  • STEM Launch K-8
  • Stukey Elementary 
  • Thornton Elementary
  • Westview Elementary 
  • Northglenn Middle 
  • Thornton Middle 
  • New America Charter