Advanced Academic & Gifted Services (AAGS)
- Dr. Lynn Saltzgaver, AAGS Director
- Kelly Teran, M.S. Ed., AAGS Assistant Director
- Heather Knapp, Administrative Assistant
What is Gifted & Talented?
The Exceptional Children's Educational Act (ECEA) is Colorado's primary law with requirements for the implementation of specific elements and procedures for gifted education.
Those persons between the ages of four and twenty-one whose aptitude or competence in abilities, talents, and potential for accomplishment in one or more domains are so exceptional or developmentally advanced that they require special provisions to meet their educational programming needs. Gifted children are hereafter referred to as gifted students. Children under five who are gifted may also be provided with early childhood special educational services. Gifted students include gifted students with disabilities (i.e. twice exceptional) and students with exceptional abilities or potential from all socio-economic, ethnic, and cultural populations. Gifted students are capable of high performance, exceptional production, or exceptional learning behavior by virtue of any or a combination of these areas of giftedness:
- General or Specific Intellectual Ability
- Specific Academic Aptitude
- Creative or Productive Thinking
- Leadership Abilities
- Specific Talent Aptitude
Our mission is to serve the academic needs of gifted and advanced learners, while supporting their unique social-emotional needs in a nurturing environment. We are dedicated to providing instruction that challenges and motivates gifted and talented (GT) learners to achieve at an optimal level. Programming is based on gifted best practices and is designed to help students navigate their growth and develop their full potential. --NAGC
Ensure gifted student growth and achievement through systems of support, programming, and advocacy. --CDE
Working together we will achieve the vision where giftedness and high potential are fully recognized, universally valued, and actively nurtured to support children from all backgrounds in reaching for their personal best and contributing to their communities. --NAGC
All Gifted students will accomplish challenging post-secondary work/force goals and become productive, creative citizens capable of succeeding in their area of strength. --CDE
Core Beliefs About GT
- Giftedness is a shared responsibility
- Giftedness presents in a variety of domains
- Giftedness is present in all populations
- Giftedness is evident in multiple ways
- Giftedness presents a need for qualitatively different programming
"All children, including those who are gifted, will achieve to their fullest potential. Gifted children hold the promise of innovation and creativity that will shape our world. The moral imperative is to strengthen the culture, attitudes, and learning environments so that gifted children will continue to enrich our world and nation with intellectual power as we face a changing future." --CAGT
In order to provide the best possible educational opportunities to gifted children, our district advocates for a variety of gifted best practices. Every school in the Five Star District offers gifted programming services. Hulstrom K-8, our district magnet school for Advanced Academics and Gifted Education, specializes in advanced learning, gifted best practices, and 21st century skills. For further information, please visit our Programming page and for specifics about the GT programming offered at your child's school, contact your school's GT Coordinator or GT Advocate.
Please see the List of School Psychologists.
More Information
Please explore the pages listed in the sidebar for district information on GT Identification and Assessment, Programming, and more Resources.
- Gifted 101
- Gifted Children's Bill of Rights (Spanish)
- Helping Your Gifted Child Succeed (click for Spanish)
- Serving the Whole Gifted Child
- Talking With Your Child About Giftedness
- Twelve Traits of Giftedness