Universal Screener
Casting a Wide Net for Potential Talent
A universal screener is a way to systematically identify exceptional potential and hidden talent among all populations, including English Language Learners, students with special needs and those who may not be achieving on other traditional academic measures. Using a universal screener is considered a best practice in the field of gifted education.
2nd Grade Universal Screener
Adams 12 Five Star Schools administers the Naglieri Non-verbal Abilities Test (NNAT), to screen all 2nd grade students. The NNAT is nonverbal measure of general ability, which allows people to solve a variety of problems. The questions on the NNAT are composed of shapes and symbols. See below for further resources on Universal Screening for GT and the NNAT.
6th Grade Universal Screener
Adams 12 Five Star Schools administers the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT), to screen all 6th grade students. The CogAT measures reasoning and problem-solving skills. The CogAT consists of three assessment batteries; Verbal, Quantitative, and Nonverbal. See below for further information on on the CogAT.