Phone: 720-972-4600
This program is an innovative partnership between Adams 12 Five Star Schools, Front Range Community College, CableLabs and Solid Power. where students earn a free associates degree with mentoring and employment opportunities from our industry partner.
- Students start their college coursework during their freshmen year, and will finish their degree at Front Range Community college for free.
- As such, students graduate with both a high school diploma and an industry-recognized associate degree in Computer Information Systems, in addition to gaining relevant workplace skills.
- First semester of their senior year, students begin to specialize in programming, then continue building those skills at FRCC.
- Students receive intensive student support services, in addition to mentoring, job shadowing, internships, pre-apprenticeships, and other workplace educational experiences.
- Students may also earn pre-apprenticeship certificates and other industry-recognized certificates in addition to an associate degree. Students earn two industry-recognized certificates while in P>TECH - Application Specialist Certificate and Foundations of Leadership Management Certificate.
- P>TECH is open to all students, with a special focus on encouraging enrollment of students who are socio-economically and racially diverse, the first to attend college in their family, English language learners, and students with disabilities.
Learn more about the P>TECH program through Northglenn High School's website.