Special Education (Child Find)
Phone: 720-972-8760 - Contact Preschool
Children demonstrating that they may have difficulty in learning or possible delays can get the help they need to be successful. Below is a list of developmental areas that we may evaluate:
academic (early learning/concepts, thinking, problem solving, preschool access skills)
- communication (articulation, language, fluency and voice)
- motor (fine and gross motor)
- social/emotional
- self-help
- hearing and/or vision
Children can be referred to Child Find by a parent, doctor or community agency. The process for children age 3-5 will begin with a developmental screening and when appropriate, a multi-disciplinary, play-based, evaluation. The team, including parents, will then make some decisions about next steps, which include eligibility for special education services.
If you have concerns about your child's development please contact:
- Jody Davis at 720-972-6145
- Mara Zuniga at 720-972-3870 for Spanish-speaking families
Birth to 3 years old
For children who are ages birth through 3 years old, we partner with outside community agencies:
- Adams County: North Metro Community Services 303-453-3302
- Broomfield County: Imagine! 303-604-5424