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Enroll Now

Learning starts hereIf you are ready to get started so are we. Follow the appropriate option for your child's learning below - this applies to new families to the district or families with a current student enrolled at one of our schools.

Neighborhood School

Grades P-12

District neighborhood schools create a strong sense of community and belonging while offering a wide array of specialized programming and curriculum. 

Choice Enrollment

Schools (Grades K-12) open for choice

Adams 12 Five Star Schools has a home for all students. If your neighborhood school isn't the right fit, see what schools are open for choice enrollment. The priority round of choice runs from December 1 through January 2.


Ages 3-5

ALL 4-year-olds (by Oct. 1 of the current year) qualify for 15 hours of free preschool a week in the year before they start kindergarten. 

Five Star Online Academy

Online Learning Option

Alternative Education

Alternative education options (Grades 6-12 & ages 17-21)

Individualized, student-centered, success oriented programs designed to increase academic success to reach graduation.

For questions about school choice, transfers, home school, foreign exchange and other admissions items please contact us by clicking here or by calling 720-972-4055.  For questions about Preschool, please call 720-972-8760

For assistance with Infinite Campus Parent Portal password resets, students IDs and Online Check-In please contact your school directly.