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Certified Employee of the Year

2020-21 Certified Employee of the Year:

Glenn Ashley, Welding Teacher at FutureForward at Washington Square

>>Watch a video of Glenn's surprise announcement

Glenn Ashley is the Welding Teacher at FutureForward at Washington Square and empowers his students to learn and excel in the trade while making his classroom a student-centered learning lab. Providing this kind of learning setting gives students a critically important additional pathway to learning and future success. Students need exposure at a young age to trades in a way where they can learn safely, be creative and see how it fits into their future goals. Glenn does this for his students every day and is an exemplary role model for other educators in the field. He cares for his students and field of work, he collaborates with others to provide opportunities for students and he engages students in learning in an entirely new way that is hands-on and filled with learning successes and growth.

One way his success as a teacher is measured is by the transformational difference his students experience by taking his class. In fact, this impact is so strong that many students remain in touch with Glenn after graduation. One former student took the time to write a letter about their experience.

“Mr. Ashley was, without a doubt, the best teacher I have had in all my years of schooling. He inspired me to pursue my passion as a career. If it weren't for him, right now I would have wasted two years and thousands of dollars on a degree that I am not passionate about. Instead I now have a skill that can take me anywhere in the world. I can learn, apply what I am learning, and make a difference with a job to be proud of. I am able to hold a job and earn a respectable living. Taking Welding with Mr. Ashley was the single best decision I have made. He made me realize that you can be passionate about something and strive for excellence in it and be successful on your own path.”

Drew Pearson, former student

Glenn takes the meaning ELEVATE to heart, and makes it happen for students each day by empowering them to learn a new skill and trade and providing pathways to success that they may not have explored without taking his class.