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Aim for the Stars Scholarship awarded to 22 students

  • Student Achievement
Aim for the Stars Scholarship awarded to 22 students

Aim for the Stars Scholarship is a multi-year scholarship in collaboration with Adams County and Adams 12 Five Star Schools.Eligible students must meet the following criteria:

  • Graduating with a 2.5 GPA 
  • Attend a public Colorado college
  • Complete the FAFSA and be receiving no more than 18,000 in grants 

Each recipient will receive more than $22K over 4 years, more than $5K per school year. Congratulations to this year’s recipients:

Name School
Ahmadi, Bibi Naeima Mountain Range
Akbari, Samem Thornton
Amami, Farid Thornton
Arias, Brayan Thornton
Barco , Jaren Thornton
Ditu, Peniel Thornton
Duran, Kaya Vantage Point
Gallagher, Olivia Vantage Point
Guizar Jimenez, Melanie Northglenn
Hagerman, Chasity Horizon
Hamidi, Samiullah Thornton
Hendricks, Angel Northglenn
Khamosh, Khudija Thornton
Martinez, Matao Thornton
Mascanreas, Mya Vantage Point
Mijares Sanchez, Melissa Thornton
Moulin, Alyssa Legacy
Noor Zai, Asma Horizon
Rodriguez Castillo, Ashley Thornton
Ruiz Palma, Paulina Northglenn
Sotelo, Isaac Northglenn
Wajid, Abdul Thornton