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District releases 2025-26 school year calendar

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District releases 2025-26 school year calendar

Adams 12 Five Star Schools has released its calendar for the coming school year. In the fall, the district asked families, students and staff to complete a brief survey about the calendar. More than 8,500 people shared their feedback that informed some adjustments to the calendar for next school year.

View the calendar here (español).

Here is a brief overview of the changes:

  • Orientation days for 6th and 9th graders at comprehensive middle and high schools - More than 75 percent of survey respondents said they were very or somewhat supportive of orientation days for students entering a new level (for example, 6th graders and 9th graders). As a result, the district has added an orientation day for these grade levels so those students can start school a day early to help with their transition. 
  • Reducing the number of shortened school weeks: When asked to rank aspects of the current calendar, community members ranked the increased amount of time in school among their top aspects. Next year’s calendar has fewer shortened weeks to help students, families and staff maintain routines. 
  • School on Veterans Day: Students will be in school on Veterans Day. During this time, schools will have the opportunity to create learning activities about the contributions of those who have served or are currently serving our country.
  • Shortening of Mid-Winter Break; end school year before Memorial Day: More than 65 percent of survey respondents said they supported eliminating or shortening either Fall Break or Mid-Winter Break in order to end the school year before Memorial Day. Of those who said they wanted to either shorten or eliminate one of those breaks, the majority selected Mid-Winter Break. As a result, next year’s calendar has a shortened mid-Winter Break and ends the school year before Memorial Day. 
  • Spring Break the last week of March: The community survey showed a virtual tie between preference for the timing of Spring Break, with just 34 responses separating the two options. Spring break in the 2025-2026 school year will be in the last week of March to provide a larger window in which students can complete state assessments. 

Employees: Please note that paid holidays for classified employees are negotiated annually and the change of observance of Veterans Day will be addressed in this spring's negotiations.  Similarly, input will be gathered related to the observance of this paid holiday for 12-month administrators and announced prior to the end of the 2024-25 school year. The total annual number of paid holidays for the affected employees will not change. The district plans to share details around use of days (staff workdays, comp days, etc.) before this school year’s Mid-Winter Break.