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Accountabililbuddies becomes a big hit at Hunters Glen

  • Care
Accountabililbuddies becomes a big hit at Hunters Glen

Liz Brown, social worker HGE, and SaraBeth Scott, our SEL, created a mega size Zones of Regulation board for our staff to use. They also created a system called an "accountabilabuddy" where staff members have a buddy to check in with on a regular basis. The Zones board is in a common area and if staff members see another colleague in need of some support, their "accountabililbuddies" and/or others can check in with any staff member who may need some extra TLC. Not only are we teaching students how to regulate and understand their feeling and emotions, we are extending that extra level of care to our staff as well. Thank you for both, Liz and SaraBeth, for caring for ALL members of the HGE community! The staff at HGE appreciates you.

This story exemplifies our ELEVATE Focus Area: Social-Emotional Learning. Sharing stories about how the district provides innovative social-emotional programming and practices to students across all schools.

  • Hunters Glen Elementary