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Century community celebrates Constitution Day

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Century community celebrates Constitution Day

Constitution Day is a federally mandated teaching and learning day for students and staff across the district but it is much more at Century Middle School. It is one of the first days of the school year where our national pride shines outside of the school in the community as National Junior Honor Society and Student Council post 50 flags in front of the school in honor of those who have served our country, those who continue to serve our country, and the founding documents that give rights to us as citizens here in the United States, and in its territories. For eight years this has been a tradition at Century Middle School, and continues to be a community moment of pride as well as our neighbors and others wait to see the flags flying starting with Constitution Day. From the dog walkers in the morning, to the emails from families, comments in the drive lane, and people driving slowly by all day this project engages our community in this special day, and allows them to recognize our country and Constitution Day together with a simple visible reminder. As one anonymous walker said as we were posting flags, "I wait every September to see the flags come out so I can walk by them and enjoy our stars and stripes - it reminds me that we are not all separate but one united country under this flag. Thank you for doing this! "

This story exemplifies our ELEVATE Focus Area: Diverse Learning. Sharing stories of how students receive engaging learning experiences and the focused-attention they need through appropriate student-to-staff ratios and varied programming.

  • Century Middle