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Elementary schools collaborate on grand celebration

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Elementary schools collaborate on grand celebration

Helen Keller once said, “Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.” At Rocky Mountain Elementary this idea was embodied in an ambitious display of collaboration between administration, students and multiple afterschool programs.

The PEAK programs at Rocky Mountain Elementary and Federal Heights Elementary collaborated with teachers to turn a simple family event into a grand celebration. Almost 150 students between 3rd and 5th grade were rewarded with an afternoon to challenge themselves on an enormous Ninja Warrior obstacle course, provided by the PEAK programs. 

Students pose for the camera

The event and its almost carnival-like atmosphere was a glorious capstone to the months of hard learning students had put in during the school day and at PEAK programs in the evenings. Students enjoyed a picnic meal with their families on a beautiful afternoon. Both PEAK and the school administration look forward to the next opportunity to collaborate and deepen their community ties.


Special thanks to the Rocky Mountain Elementary community for submitting this Five Star Story. We appreciate seeing collaboration between schools to ELEVATE student success.

This story exemplifies our ELEVATE Focus Area: 21st Century Learners. Sharing stories of students who collaborate, think critically, problem-solve and are digitally literate to thrive in today’s ever-changing world.

  • Federal Heights Elementary
  • Rocky Mountain Elementary