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Javits-Frasier Scholar named at McElwain Elementary

  • Empower
  • Focus on Students
Javits-Frasier Scholar named at McElwain Elementary

Sara Snider, the Gifted & Talented Advocate at McElwain Elementary has been named a Javits-Frasier Scholar. The National Association of Gifted Children Javits-Fraser Scholars Program was created to increase culturally and linguistically diverse students’ access to talent development opportunities through educator training and support related to equity and excellence in gifted education. Sara will have the opportunity to work with other leaders committed to ensuring excellence and equity for all gifted students.

From the National Association of Gifted Children's website:

"Students from low-income and minoritized populations are historically underrepresented in gifted education. NAGC’s Javits-Frasier Scholars Program was created to recognize passionate, innovative educators, school counselors, and school psychologists who serve culturally and linguistically diverse students.

Each year, the most deserving recipients are named Javits-Frasier Scholars and join a select group of leaders committed to ensuring excellence and equity for all gifted students."

This story exemplifies our ELEVATE Focus Area: World-Class Staff. Sharing stories about how staff is compensated, supported and trained to foster student success and family partnerships.

  • McElwain Elementary