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McElwain highlighted for Exemplary Practices

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  • Focus on Students
McElwain highlighted for Exemplary Practices

This week the Colorado Department of Education Highlighted McElwain Elementary School in Thornton, Colorado.

Morning Greeting

McElwain serves a diverse population of students who come from about 15 countries and speak 7 languages. Their morning arrival routine establishes a positive school climate in which students feel a sense of connection and belonging. This is particularly important considering the research demonstrating that achievement motivation is often a by-product of social belonging.” In other words, when students feel welcome in the school, they’re more willing to put time and effort into learning.
In this video, be on the lookout for how students are being welcomed into the building, engaging with staff and how Principal Sara Olson is outside engaging with students at the crosswalk.

Fostering connection through meals
In this video, Ms. Kalra takes advantage of the time her students are eating breakfast to foster conversation and build social skills. She also makes some intentional moves to ensure students are making eye contact, tracking the speaker and making connections with classmates. Be on the lookout for how she welcomes students who arrived late.

Special thanks to the McElwain Elementary community for submitting this Five Star Story.

This story exemplifies our ELEVATE Focus Area: Safe Schools. Sharing stories about how the district supports student learning by providing a safe and secure environment.

  • McElwain Elementary