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Student has outstanding thespian performance at state

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Student has outstanding thespian performance at state

At the Colorado State Junior Thespian Conference on December 12th, 2024, students compete in many theatre events such as performances and technical theatre challenges. In each category the judges select one or two students for their critic's choice as the top performances they've seen all session. Our students perform/compete alongside students at various arts and public schools in the state. The students chosen to perform on mainstage in front of the entire conference are considered the stand out performances of the day. I'm pleased to announce that Silver Hills Middle School 8th grader, Madison Melville, was chosen as one of the two critics choice performances in her monologue event and she performed for close to 1,000 drama students and teachers at the Bellco Theatre at the Colorado Convention Center last Thursday.

Special thanks to the Silver Hills Middle School community for submitting this Five Star Story.

This story exemplifies our ELEVATE Focus Area: Outside-the-Classroom Learning. Sharing stories about how the district offers students multiple learning opportunities outside the traditional classroom providing various pathways to success.

  • Silver Hills Middle