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Stukey Elementary scholarly habits rewarded with roses

  • Empower
  • Engage
Stukey Elementary scholarly habits rewarded with roses

Ms. O'Keefe hosts bi-monthly assemblies to correspond to our Stukey scholarly habits in her room. She gives an award an a rose for showing one of the attributes and an entire bouquet of roses to a scholar who shows all of the attributes. This month was Perseverance and the winner was a scholar who has started turning his attendance as well as his academic perseverance around --thanks to the consistent feedback and support he gets from his teacher. Her scholarly habit assemblies are so empowering for these 2nd graders!

Students and staff pose for the camera
Students and staff pose for the camera
Students and staff pose for the camera

Special thanks to the Stukey Elementary community for submitting this Five Star Story.

This story exemplifies our ELEVATE Focus Area: 21st Century Learners. Sharing stories of students who collaborate, think critically, problem-solve and are digitally literate to thrive in today’s ever-changing world.

  • Stukey Elementary