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Transportation staff visits former students for lunch

  • Care
  • Engage
Transportation staff visits former students for lunch

Bus Driver, Kelli Carney, reached out Sally Brown (a SLS para) to tell her how much she missed a few students she transported the year before. Sally shared that the boys missed her too, and talked about her often. The two of them planned a time for Kelli to visit and eat lunch with the boys. She even brought them pizza. The boys were so excited to see her again. Thank you Kelli and Sally for focusing on students and creating such strong relationships with them. We appreciate you!!

Students and staff pose for the camera

Special thanks to the Cotton Creek Elementary community for submitting this Five Star Story.

This story exemplifies our ELEVATE Focus Area: World-Class Staff. Sharing stories about how staff is compensated, supported and trained to foster student success and family partnerships.

  • Cotton Creek Elementary