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Phone 720-972-4068   Contact Human Resources

We are committed to our mission to engage and inspire all students to innovate, achieve, and succeed in a safe environment by ensuring high-quality instruction in every classroom, every day.  To achieve this and ELEVATE student achievement, we are seeking dedicated, collaborative, and skilled teachers and educators to serve our more than 36,000 P-12 grade students.

Educators refers to all contracted, licensed (certified) employees of the district.  This includes classroom teachers, special education teachers, resource teachers, deans, counselors, psychologists, social workers, OTs, PTs, speech language pathologists, audiologists, nurses, career and technical education teachers, instructional coaches, interventionists, social emotional learning specialists and library/media specialists.

Teacher smiling

"I've been so happy and so fortunate in the opportunities that I've had. It just feels like home. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else."

- Jennifer Kover, elementary teacher

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