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Brand Guidelines

Phone: 720-972-4005 - Contact Communications

Use of district/school logos on products

Written approval from Adams 12 Five Star Schools, or the respective school, is required prior to use of the district/school logos on any product created and/or sold for personal profit, even if it relates to a district/school sport or function. 

Please use the below guide to communicate Adams 12 Five Star Schools brand clearly, accurately and with consistency through text and logo use. All names, marks, logos and other symbols may not be altered (including color), reconfigured or added to in any manner. 

Correct use of name

We are Adams 12 Five Star Schools

  • On the first reference to our school district, use Adams 12 Five Star Schools.
  • Do not use all caps with any word in this title. 
  • The number 12 remains numeric and Five is always spelled out.
  • Adams 12 Five Star Schools is singular, not plural. EXAMPLE: Adams 12 Five Star Schools serves five communities.
  • For subsequent references, use Five Star Schools, Five Star District or district. When using district alone, always make the “d” lowercase. EXAMPLE: The Five Star District promotes healthy eating habits.
  • Use Five Star as an adjective and capitalize. EXAMPLE: Five Star students, Five Star graduates or Five Star community.

Examples: Adams 12 Five Star Schools represents a premiere place to live, learn, work and play. Located on the northern tier of the Denver metropolitan area, the district serves five cities: Broomfield, Federal Heights, Northglenn, Thornton and Westminster. In addition, the Five Star District boundaries include portions of two counties - Adams and Broomfield. Nearly 35,000 students and their families make up the Five Star community.

Approved district logo

Adams 12 Five Star Schools Color Logo

Approved district colors

District approved colors


Contact Communications with brand questions.