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Group of emt students pose for the camera. %22Five Star Stories%22 Adams 12 Five Star Schools logo


Adams 12 Five Star Schools is home to students and staff who do and achieve great things every day.
Each story deserves to be shared for all to hear! By sharing stories through this form, we are able to share them with the greater Five Star community and beyond!
When sharing your story, remember to share what makes a Five Star Story so great! The best stories have one or more of the following elements.
  • Personal stories

  • Overcoming a challenge

  • A sense of accomplishment

  • Community pride

  • A relatable individual or group 

  • Represents an ELEVATE Strength (Care, Collaborate, Engage, Empower, Focus on Students)

  • Great photos

By sharing your story through this submission form, you are giving Adams 12 Five Star Schools permission to share this story on our website, email updates to the community and district social media platforms.

Contact Information

First Name
Last Name

Share Your Story!

Grade Level or Levels the story is connected toCheck more than one if the story is connected to more than one school
Check more than one if the story is connected to more than one school
Stories don't have to be about a school specifically, but about anyone connected to it.
If the story ties to more than one school, you can select a second here.
Which district strength does your story relate to?requiredSelect all that apply
Select all that apply
0 / 5000

Submit a Photo or Video

To share your story on our website and/or social media channels, you must include photo or video. If you do not have a photo or video, your story is not likely to be shared on our website or social media channels.

Here are some tips to taking good photographs:
  • Take photos that include people's faces. Photos of people are much more engaging than photos of buildings or items.
  • Make sure the subject of your photo is well lit. Avoid having them facing away from the light source (whether that's the sun or a light), as this can make people appear backlit.
  • If taking photos outside, consider taking them in the shade. This soft light is more flattering and helps make sure the person doesn't have harsh shadows on their face. 
  • Take photos at eye level. If you're photographing a younger student, this may mean you take the photo from a lower angle. Try to have the camera at the same height as their face. 
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