Substitute/Guest Teacher of the Year
2021-22 Substitute/Guest Teacher of the Year:
Sholeh Mani, Thornton High School and Horizon High School
Sholeh has been teaching and subbing in the Five Star District since 2000 and received nominations from teachers at two different high schools. Sholeh speaks with a soft, kind voice and has a way of talking to students that gets them to do their work. She not only speaks English, but also speaks Persian, Farsi, Ordou, Pashto, Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish. It is due to her intercultural and linguistic competencies that she has been able to provide support that enables students to elevate their success.
The registrar at Horizon High School noticed that the students were not eating lunch, and they told the registrar that they were fasting. However, then she noticed that they were snacking on chocolate bars and such. Sholeh was able to talk with the students in Pashto and found out that they did not know lunch was free and available for them to try. They also thought the food smelled different and were not sure about taking the lunch if they were not going to eat everything. Sholeh was able to explain to the students that they could take the lunch and try it or just eat what they wanted and throw away the rest. All of the students then started getting lunches everyday, eating the fruit, and trying the other foods. And all because of Sholeh! She has helped students who would not be able to be helped as well as all students in classes and around the building.
Sholeh has helped the students who are newcomers by aiding them in using their first language to access difficult science vocabulary in their second language. She helps students feel that their culture and language are assets to build their English skills at the Five Star District. Sholeh, spends her "off" planning time helping the kids who speak Dari in their science class since she speaks Farsi.
We are fortunate that Sholeh is so dedicated to our district, our community, our schools, our teachers, and most importantly to our students.