Board of Education
Phone: 720-972-4144 - Contact Board of Education
About the Board of Education
The Adams 12 Five Star Schools Board of Education is the policy-making body for the district. Its powers and duties are established in state law. The Board is comprised of five members that are elected to four-year, staggered terms. Board members may serve two consecutive terms. The district has a director district plan of representation which requires that school board members reside in a specific geographic area (Director Districts) within the Five Star School District boundary. Board members are elected by a vote of the electors of the entire school district. The district’s School Finder provides information regarding director districts for specific addresses. Board members are not paid; they give freely of their time to serve the Five Star community.
Meetings and Agenda
The Board of Education holds regular meetings the first and third Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m., or as posted in the agenda, except in July, August and January. A special meeting may be called by the board president at any time and shall be called upon written request of a majority of board members. Board meetings are open to in person attendance and will also be live streamed through the district's YouTube channel.
Agendas for regular meetings are posted in BoardDocs the Friday afternoon prior to the meeting. Agendas for special meetings are posted at least twenty-four hours in advance of the meeting. Work-study and executive sessions are held as needed in advance of or following the regular session. The Board hears General Public Comment as a regular agenda item at the second meeting of the month. Public comment will be heard at the first meeting of the month and at special meetings as the agenda permits.