Multiple Pathways for Student Learning
The Five Star District has been recognized on a national level for the opportunities our staff and community have created for students. In Fall 2014, Digital Promise, a national, independent nonprofit organization authorized by Congress to accelerate innovation in education, announced Adams 12 Five Star Schools as one of 11 new members, and Colorado’s first school district to be accepted into the League of Innovative Schools, a national coalition of school districts committed to innovation.
Adams 12 Five Star Schools was selected from a competitive and national pool of applicants based on its leadership, evidence of results, innovative vision for learning, and commitment to collaboration.
The common thread through all these pathways for student learning is our focus on transforming literacy instruction. Our approach to 21st century learning and critical thinking is through the development of strong reading and writing skills across all content areas.
APEX – Advancing Professional Excellence
We know high quality instruction creates high performing schools that have a positive impact on student achievement, and prepare students with the 21st century skills needed for college and career. APEX, or Advancing Professional Excellence, is a system designed to support the professional growth of building leaders, teachers and specialized service professionals through reflective practice and purposeful feedback.
Research shows that when educators have opportunities to reflect on their practice in order to strengthen their instruction, student achievement increases.
APEX includes training, goal setting, instructional observations, and reflective collaborative conversations that can support all educators in refining their practice in order to continually meet the needs of students.
Building Strong Community Relationships
The quality of our schools directly impacts the quality of life for our entire community. It is imperative that we develop and sustain positive relationships with our families, city partners, law enforcement, faith community, civic organizations, business leaders and the judicial community to name a few.
Our Five Star Leadership Academy (FSLA), established in 2015, is an opportunity for parents and community members to increase their knowledge of district and state education affairs. The program creates a sense of shared responsibility and partnership, empowering graduates with information and resources needed to step into leadership roles within our schools, district or community. More than 300 people have already gone through the Five Star Leadership Academy and are active leaders within the Five Star District.
Participants interact with district and education leaders and find out more about:
- School district funding and budgeting practices
- Enrollment projections and planning
- The district’s approach to learning, special education and special programs
- Grading and assessments, and more