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Resolution Process

There are two available options to address a complaint: 1) an informal resolution, which involves a variety of informal options for addressing complaints; and, 2) the grievance process, which involves an investigation, report, and potential sanctions.

  1. Informal Resolution: If both parties agree and the Title IX/Nondiscrimination Coordinator deems it appropriate, an informal resolution process, which does not involve an investigation and may involve mediation or other alternative dispute resolution models, may be instituted consistent with the process outlined in Policy 8400, Nondiscrimination.
  2. Grievance Process: The grievance process is used to investigate complaints of sexual harassment as defined by Policy 8410 and Title IX in order to determine whether the policy has been violated. The process also determines the steps the District must take to address and correct a violation, which may include the imposition of disciplinary sanctions. Potential sanctions include a warning, restorative justice, alternatives to suspension or expulsion, suspension, expulsion, or termination. The grievance process is internal to the District and is not conducted by, or in concert with, law enforcement. The process determines whether District policy has been violated and not whether criminal law has been violated.