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Supportive Measures

The Designated Administrator shall offer accommodations and supportive measures to a student experiencing sexual harassment that are designed to protect the safety of all students and that preserve and restore equal access to education for the student. The Designated Administrator shall not disclose information about any supportive measures to persons other than district staff necessary to implement the supportive measures and the person to whom the supportive measures apply. The Designated Administrator shall not share one party’s supportive measure with another party. 

Students may make a request for supportive measures to their Designated Administrator (listed in District Policy 8400 Exhibit A), or to the District’s Title IX/Nondiscrimination Coordinator. 

A school shall not require a Complaint or finding of harassment or discrimination before providing supportive measures. 

A Designated Administrator may modify or terminate supportive measures at the conclusion of formal or informal resolution, at the conclusion of the school year, at any time, or based on a change in circumstances involving the parties. 

As a supportive measure, a school shall grant an excused absence to a student who has experienced harassment or discrimination for any time the student is out of school because of a therapy, medical, legal, or victim services appointment related to the harassment or discrimination. Other accommodations and supportive measures may include, but are not limited to: 

  • Counseling; 
  • Extensions of deadlines or other course-related adjustments; 
  • Extra time for homework or tests; 
  • The opportunity to resubmit homework or retake a test; 
  • Remedying an impacted grade; 9.5.6 The opportunity for home instruction; 
  • Modifications to class schedules; and, 
  • Restrictions on contact between the parties to a Complaint of harassment or discrimination. 

If the student in receipt of supportive measures is a student with a disability receiving services through an Individualized Education Plan or a Section 504 Plan, the Designated Administrator must consult with a member of the appropriate team to develop a supportive measures plan. Additional accommodations are available for students with disabilities depending on their disability-related need for an accommodation or supportive measure in response to discrimination or harassment. Accommodations are determined on an individual basis. Accommodations may include, but are not limited to: visual supports with pictorial reminders of how to request support, pressure pass, or a check in/check out with a school mental health provider. 

A party may challenge a supportive measure applicable to them, or the modification or termination of supportive measures, by contacting the district’s Title IX/Nondiscrimination Coordinator. The Title IX/Nondiscrimination Coordinator may respond directly to the inquiry or may delegate the authority to respond to another district staff member.