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1000: Parent/Community Engagement in Education

  • Communication & Decision Making
  • Community
  • Series 1000
1000: Parent/Community Engagement in Education

File: District Policy 1000 (pdf)

Most Recent Adoption: July 19, 2023

1000: Parent/Community Engagement in Education

District Policy 1000                                                                                                                                     


1.0       Adams 12 Five Star Schools endorses the idea that the education of each student is a responsibility shared by the school, the student and parents. The Superintendent recognizes that shared decision making requires understanding, support and involvement from staff, parents, students and other community members with respect to the District’s programs and services.  These goals can best be achieved through a planned, systemic, and interactive communication network.

2.0       In keeping with these beliefs, the District seeks to cultivate and support active parental engagement and to set and realize goals for parent-supported student learning. Further, the District acknowledges the need for community partnerships in support of successful schools. To that end the District and schools collectively shall:

2.1       Consult with and encourage parents to share in school and District planning and in the setting of objectives through participation in the school and district accountability committees.

2.2       Help parents understand the educational process and their role in supporting student achievement through regular, meaningful communication.

2.3       Inform parents of school attendance options within the District, including but not limited to information about open enrollment, choice programs and charter school options.

2.4       Provide opportunities for parents to be informed about their student’s progress toward attaining proficiency on state academic standards through written materials and public meetings. Information shall explain how the student’s progress will be measured and how parents will be informed of such progress. This information shall also be provided to the school and district accountability committees.

2.5       Provide appropriate avenues for parents and community to find support in their roles.

2.6       Encourage formal organizations for parents at each school building as well as at the district level. The organizations shall receive information concerning district and school activities and shall have opportunities for input into district and school decisions as appropriate.

2.7       Encourage and welcome parent and community volunteers in the schools.

3.0       The Superintendent also recognizes the special importance of parental involvement to the success of its Title I and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education (CLDE). programs. The District and schools will jointly develop with parents written parent involvement policies that meet the requirements of federal law.

C.R.S. 8-13.3-101
C.R.S. 22-7-301
C.R.S. 22-7-407 (5)
C.R.S. 22-11-302 (1)(g)
C.R.S. 22-11-402 (1) (h)
C.R.S. 22-30.5-109
C.R.S. 22-32-142 (1)

Adams 12 Five Star Schools
Most Recent Adoption: July 19, 2023