1200: Visitors to District Schools/Educational Support Center During Regular Business Hours
- Community
- Public Activities Involving Staff, Students or School Activities
- Series 1000
File: District Policy 1200 (pdf)
Most Recent Adoption: October 30, 2024
District Policy 1200
1.0 Visitors include all persons at District schools and other District facilities who are not employees or enrolled students of that school or facility. Visitors include, but are not limited to parents, guardians, District staff from other schools and facilities, substitutes, volunteers, and contractors.
1.1 This policy shall apply during regular business hours. When possible and when staffing allows, schools should follow this policy to account for the safety and security of all students, staff and visitors in the building.
1.2 All visitors must report to the school office or front desk upon arrival to be checked into the school’s visitor management system.
1.3 Whenever possible the visit should be scheduled in advance. The teacher and principal reserve the right to reschedule a planned or unplanned visit as they deem appropriate to serve the educational needs of students and to avoid disruption of instruction.
1.4 Principals and teachers may impose reasonable restrictions upon the time, duration, frequency, and location of visits.
1.5 In visiting the school, visitors shall refrain from making statements or engaging in conduct which interrupts instruction or causes distractions for students, or otherwise disrupts the learning environment.
1.6 Visitors are prohibited from creating video or audio recordings or taking photographs on school property without prior written approval from the building principal.
1.6.1 This prohibition does not apply to school events in which parents/guardians and/or other persons are invited to attend, such as plays or student performances.
1.6 Visitors shall not share with others information about students received during the visit, including but not limited to a student’s academic performance, behavior, and status as a free/reduced lunch pupil.
1.7 Only principal-approved activities may be conducted by visitors while on school grounds.
1.8 Visitors must comply with all District policies.
2.0 All visitors, including District staff, substitutes and volunteers, must check in at the front desk. All visitors should be greeted by an employee, have their identification verified, have the purpose for visit confirmed, and be given a visitor management system badge (visitor badge). Exceptions are authorized for large events during the school day, such as plays or student performances; however, all guests must be greeted and directed directly to the performance.
2.1 If the visitor is a parent or guardian, identification will be verified through the student data base prior to admittance to the school. All government issued forms of identification are acceptable. Examples include but are not limited to, state issued driver’s license, military id, and passport.
2.2 School staff should verify the visitor’s purpose before granting access to the school.
2.3 Identification cards shall be worn so that they are visible on the outermost garment above the waist.
2.4 District employees visiting school buildings shall check in at the front office and follow sign-in procedures.
2.5 Upon exiting the building, visitors shall sign out. Designated staff shall reconcile the visitor sign-out sheet and/or visitor management system at the end of the day to ensure all visitors have left the building.
2.6 Any school staff member who encounters a visitor without a visitor badge shall escort that visitor to the main office to sign in.
3.0 All exterior perimeter doors shall be locked during the school day and at other times as designated by the Superintendent or designee. Visitor access during the school day is restricted to the main entrance only.
3.1 Propping exterior doors is prohibited at all times during the school day.
3.2 Staff, students and visitors shall not open exterior doors for visitors trying to gain access into the building.
4.0 Educational Support Center (ESC). Visitors must sign in at the front desk and must have ID. ID shall be worn so that they are visible on the outermost garment above the waist.
5.0 Failure to comply with the terms of this policy and the lawful directions of District officials, District security officers, or any other law enforcement officers acting in performance of duties, or failure to identify oneself to such officials or officers when lawfully requested to do so, may subject the individual to criminal charges. Violations of this policy may also be addressed by restricting access to District schools and facilities, through employee discipline procedures and other lawful means.
C.R.S. 22-32-109.1(7)
C.R.S. 18-9-109
C.R.S. 18-9-110
C.R.S. 18-9-112
C.R.S. 18-9-117
C.R.S. 18-12-105.5
Adams 12 Five Star Schools Visitors System Management Procedure Guide
Adams 12 Five Star Schools
Most Recent Adoption: October 30, 2024