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1300: Community Use of District-Owned School Facilities

  • Community
  • Public Activities Involving Staff, Students or School Activities
  • Series 1000
1300: Community Use of District-Owned School Facilities

File: District Policy 1300 (pdf)

Most Recent Adoption: December 22, 2011

1300: Community Use of District-Owned School Facilities

District Policy 1300                  


1.0       General.

1.1       Community use of District-owned schools is an integral link between schools, citizens of the District, and the communities served by Adams 12 Five Star Schools. The Facility Reservations Department encourages the accessibility of District schools by students, their families, and the community, and thereby increase opportunities for these individuals and groups to be involved in the school environment. District schools are only subject to such accessibility and increased opportunities, however, when they are not being used for District programs as set forth below.

1.2       Use of District schools must be consistent with all Board of Education Ends and Operating Limitations. Accordingly, use shall not pose an unwarranted risk to District schools or to the well-being and good order of the community. Users shall pay appropriate compensation for use of each school.

1.3       District schools shall be accessible to responsible organizations, associations and individuals of the community for appropriate civic, cultural, religious, educational, social, recreational, governmental and general political activities. The appropriateness of activities shall be defined in terms of compliance with District Policies and not by judgments made about the subject matter or content of such activities except as provided in District Policies. Permission for use of District schools shall not constitute a District endorsement of any organization, the beliefs of an organization or group, the expression of any opinion regarding the nomination, retention, election or defeat of any candidate, or the expression of any opinion as to the passage or defeat of any issue.

1.4       Use requests shall be prioritized as follows:

1.4.1    School programs

1.4.2    District programs

1.4.3    Programs identified by the District as having priority for other reasons, including those referenced in intergovernmental agreements between the District and governmental bodies, associations, special districts, or similar entities.

2.0       Scheduling Procedures.

2.1       All facility use requests must be approved by Facility Reservations before use may occur.  Community use of schools shall be scheduled by Facility Reservations through a master scheduling calendar.

2.2       Use shall be permitted provided:

2.2.1    Use does not impinge upon school use or activities;

2.2.2    Use is not potentially dangerous or disruptive; and

2.2.3    The group requesting such use is open to all persons who may be reasonably or appropriately included in the group.

2.3       School personnel shall not contract for use in the schools.

2.3.1    School personnel shall enter their school events into the Facility Reservations calendar system. Events must be entered by the timeline set forth by Facility Reservations and the District Director of Athletics/Activities, or designee. The timeline will be published by April 15 for the following school year. The timeline will consist of four (4) dates, generally occurring in January, March, June and October by which Facility Reservations will begin accepting applications for school use by the public. Any changes, additions or cancellations shall be immediately entered in the Facility Reservations calendar system.

2.4       School personnel responsible for community use activities in their buildings will be responsible for checking the Facility Reservations calendar system daily. This includes building schedulers and all head/lead custodians.

2.5       Schools may notify the Facility Reservations Department to request cancellation of scheduled community use in order to address a school emergency or missed calendar event, provided the request is received by Facility Reservations at least five (5) business days prior to the event. Within the five (5) business-day period, schools are encouraged to find an alternative date or alternative site.

2.6       Fundraising activities requiring the use of District facilities shall be scheduled through Facility Reservations when the activity is partnered, sponsored, subsidized or run with any non-district entity.

2.6.1    If all revenue generated by any fundraising event at a District facility is deposited into a school account or District parent group account, as defined in District Policy 1400, no facility use fees will be assessed.

2.6.2    If a fundraising event generates any revenue for a non-District entity, facility use fees may be assessed, pending review by the Facility Reservations Manager.

2.6.3    Fees for fundraising events may be assessed based upon the following criteria: If the benefit (either through gift/donation of money, goods, and/or services) to the District or parent group exceeds 25% of the gross revenue (entrance fees, participation fees, gate fees, concessions, and any other event revenue), the non-district entity shall be entitled to a discount of the facility use fees. The discount shall be assessed based upon the actual percentage of the gross revenue from the non-district entity given to the school or parent group and whether the non-district entity is a for-profit or non-profit organization. If the benefit to the District or parent group exceeds 50% of the gross revenue (entrance fees, participation fees, gate fees, concessions, and any other event revenue), no facility use fees will be assessed.

2.6.4    All fundraising activities will be charged for any direct costs, including, but not limited to, custodians, event managers and security personnel. The need for custodians, event managers and security personnel will be determined by the Facility Reservations Manager.

3.0       Fee Schedules. Fee schedules shall be established to recoup costs associated with the use of the facility and to reflect the category of the group/organization using the facility. The fee schedule shall apply equally to all users similarly situated.

3.1       Fees shall be set for use based upon the following categories:

3.1.1    Category A – Volunteer-led Youth Civic/Service Groups

3.1.2    Category B – Cities/Municipalities

3.1.3    Category C – Non-Profit Youth Organizations

3.1.4    Category D – Non-Profit Adult and Mixed Use (Events with Adults and Youth)

3.1.5    Category E – Commercial, For-Profit Youth and Adult

3.2       All facility use fees shall be collected, accounted for and allocated by the Facility Reservations Department.

3.2.1    Revenue generated by community use activities shall be directed to the operation of the Facility Reservations Department and reasonable contingencies.

3.2.2    The Superintendent shall determine if remaining revenue will be returned to the general fund to offset the District budget, will be distributed to schools to use at their discretion, or will be used to fund those costs deemed appropriate by the Superintendent.

4.0       Application. All persons applying for use, and all persons using Adams 12 schools are required to follow and abide by the Facility Use Application Procedures and Rules Governing the Use of Adams 12 Five Star Schools.

5.0       Use Agreement. Any long-term or short-term use agreement shall provide that:

5.1       Users are responsible for any damages or liability incurred by the District as a result of such use;

5.2       The use may be restricted or stopped at the discretion of the Chief Operating Officer or designee based upon appropriate policy, procedure, facility rules of use, or governing rules;

5.3       The District reserves the right to move or terminate the use of any group based on facility availability.

6.0       Each principal or facility manager shall designate an individual who will be the responsible contact person for that particular facility to provide and receive information and communication regarding facility use.

7.0       The Chief Operating Officer or designee is authorized to ensure enforcement of this policy through any reasonable means, including but not limited to:

7.1       Notice to facility users regarding the requirements of this policy;

7.2       Notice to and education of District administrators so as to prevent non-compliance with this policy, and

7.3       Establishment of consequences for violation of this policy, including but not limited to:

7.3.1    Discipline consistent with that applied to violations of other District Policies; and,

7.3.2    Surrender to the District of any benefits, including profits, obtained by the school or any individual as a result of use which violates this policy.

7.4       Building administrators may appeal a decision by the Facility Reservations Department authorizing or denying requested use of a facility by submitting written notice to the Chief Operating Officer. The notice shall provide rationale for allowing/disallowing the requested community use activity in the building.

7.4.1    The appeal process shall be a meeting including the building administrator, the appropriate Executive Director, the Chief Operating Officer or designee and other staff as required.

7.4.2    The Chief Operating Officer shall make the final decision regarding the use of the school.

Policy 1400
Policy 5640

Adams 12 Five Star Schools
Most Recent Adoption: December 22, 2011