5030: Student Use of Cell Phones and Other Personal Electronic Devices
- District Students
- Series 5000
File: District Policy 5030 (pdf)
Most Recent Adoption: August 6, 2020
District Policy 5030
1.0 Cell phones and electronic devices, whether for personal, recreational, communication or instructional purposes, are permitted as follows:
1.1 In academic settings (classroom, library, labs, etc) such devices must be in the “off” or “silent” position and stored out of sight except as permitted by the instructor or the building administrator.
1.1.1 Examples of devices which may be permitted for instructional purposes under staff supervision include but are not limited to calculators, tablets, laptop computers, voice recording devices and cell phones.
1.2 In non-academic settings, including at school activities or on school transportation, such devices may be used in “silent mode” provided the use of such device, as determined by the supervising staff member or bus driver, in no way disrupts, poses a safety concern or otherwise violates the District’s Code of Conduct for students.
2.0 Cell phones and electronic devices may not be used in a manner which is potentially unsafe, illegal or otherwise might violate the District’s Code of Conduct for students. Prohibited uses include but are not limited to:
2.1 Using the device to create video or audio recordings of students and/or staff, without permission of the student and/or staff member;
2.2 Using the device to take photographs of students and/or staff, without permission of the student and/or staff member;
2.3 Using the device for academic dishonesty or cheating;
2.4 Using the device in any manner that disrupts the academic environment, or otherwise disrupts school activities or functions;
2.5 Using the device to send, receive or possess text or e-mail messages reasonably interpreted as indecent or sexually suggestive while at school, on school transportation, or at a school-related function;
2.6 Using the device to threaten, harass, intimidate, or bully; or
2.7 Departing a class to activate or operate such devices.
3.0 Under all circumstances students shall be personally and solely responsible for the security of their cell phones and personal electronic devices. Adams 12 Five Star Schools shall not assume responsibility for theft, loss, or damage of any such device and will not be responsible for investigation of such incidents.
4.0 If unique circumstances exist warranting the need for a student to use a cell phone or personal electronic device, on a temporary basis, outside the guidelines noted in this policy, such requests shall be submitted to the Principal in writing. The Principal’s decision shall be final in responding to such requests.
5.0 A building administrator may, at his or her discretion, impose further restrictions upon student use of personal electronic devices, including but not limited to rules prohibiting the possession of personal electronic devices in classrooms, hallways, and other locations on school property. A teacher may, upon mutual agreement with the Principal, impose further restrictions upon classroom use of personal electronic devices than have been imposed by the building administrator.
6.0 Typical progression of interventions for violations of this policy, except as otherwise noted in District Policy shall be addressed as follows:
1st offense The device shall be confiscated, secured and transferred to the appropriate school administrator. Parent/guardian shall be notified and the device may be released to the student upon review of this policy with the student.
2nd offense The device shall be confiscated, secured and transferred to the appropriate school administrator. The parent shall be notified and the device may be released only to the parent/guardian, upon review of this policy with the parent/guardian.
3rd offense Third offense shall be considered disruptive behavior and defiance of authority, and may result in a minimum of one day of suspension to be served in or out of school at the discretion of school administration. Subsequent violations may result in increasing suspensions of up to three (3) days. The device shall be confiscated, secured and transferred to the appropriate school administrator. The parent shall be notified and the device may be released only to the parent/guardian, upon review of this policy with the parent/guardian. At the discretion of school administration, this may also result in the student losing the privilege of bringing the phone to school.
7.0 Depending upon the nature and the severity of the violation, as determined by school administration, any violation of the “Student Use of Cell Phones and Other Personal Electronic Devices” policy may result in disciplinary sanctions up to and including expulsion from school.
22-33-106 C.R.S.
Policy 3500
Policy 5000
Adams 12 Five Star Schools
Most Recent Adoption: August 6, 2020