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5035: Student Use of District Technology and the Internet

  • District Students
  • Series 5000
5035: Student Use of District Technology and the Internet

File: District Policy 5035 

Most Recent Adoption: June 16, 2021

Associated Forms: Form 5035 (pdf)

5035: Student Use of District Technology and the Internet

District Policy 5035                  


1.0       Educational Purpose. The District supports the use of the Internet as a learning resource to educate and inform students.  While many opportunities offered by the Internet are exciting and appropriate, others are unsuitable for school use.  Consequently, use of District technology and the Internet is only for educational purposes.

2.0       District Responsibility. The Internet is a fluid environment in which information is constantly changing.  The District will make every reasonable effort to ensure that this educational resource is used appropriately and responsibly.  Administrators, teachers, and staff have a professional responsibility to work together to help students develop the skills needed to evaluate and choose information sources, to identify information appropriate to their age and maturity levels, create effective and appropriate information, and to evaluate and use information to meet their educational goals.

3.0       Student Responsibility. Students are responsible for their own use of District computers and computer systems.  Students shall use District technology and the internet in an appropriate, responsible, ethical and legal manner.  Students are responsible for exercising good judgment when utilizing District technology and should be wary of unknown solicitations, pop-up boxes.  Students may not share or loan accounts or passwords.

4.0       Student Use is a Privilege. Use of District technology and, the Internet and electronic communications demands personal responsibility and an understanding of the acceptable and unacceptable uses of such tools.  Use of District technology and the Internet is a privilege, not a right.  Violations of this policy may result in the loss of the privilege to use these tools, as well as disciplinary action and/or referral to law enforcement.  The District may deny, revoke or suspend access to District technology or close accounts at any time and without notice.

4.1       Students and their parents/legal guardians are required to complete and sign the District's “Technology and Internet Responsible Use Agreement” before students may access the Internet at school.  The completed and signed Agreements must be renewed annually and shall be kept on file with the school.

5.0       No Expectation of Privacy. District technology is owned by the District and is intended for educational purposes and District business at all times.  Students should have no expectation of privacy when using District technology or the Internet.  The District reserves the right to monitor, inspect, copy, review and store, at any time and without prior notice, all usage of District technology and Internet traffic.  Electronic messages sent or received on, by or through District-owned technology, as well as files stored on District technology may be considered a public records subject to disclosure or inspection under the Colorado Open Records Act.

6.0       Prohibited Uses. Because technology and methods of using technology are constantly evolving, every prohibited use of District computers and computer systems cannot be specifically described in policy.  Therefore, examples of unacceptable uses include, but are not limited to, the following:

6.1       No student shall access, create, or transmit content that:

6.1.1    Promotes violence or advocates destruction of property including, but not limited to, information concerning the manufacturing or purchasing of destructive devices or weapons.

6.1.2    Is not related to District education objectives except as provided in other District policies.

6.1.3    Is pornographic, obscene, sexually oriented or harmful to minors either as pictures or writings.

6.1.4    Harasses, bullies, intimidates, threatens, demeans, or promotes violence or hatred against another person or group of persons with regard to race, color, sex, age, religion, creed, national origin, ancestry, genetic information, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth.

6.1.5    Plagiarizes.

6.1.6    Uses inappropriate or profane language or depictions.

6.1.7    Is knowingly false or defamatory.

6.1.8    Violates copyright.

6.1.9    Contains personal information, including information protected by confidentiality laws.

6.1.10  Impersonates another person.

6.2       The following activities are also prohibited:

6.2.1    Using information systems or resources for personal use or gain not related to the educational curriculum.

6.2.2    Attempting to gain unauthorized access to any other computer, network or account other than one’s own.

6.2.3    Attempting to harm, alter or destroy the data, equipment or records of the District or another individual.

6.2.4    Using or attempting to use proxy servers, or otherwise evade, disable, or "crack" passwords or other security provisions of the systems on the network or intercepting or altering network packets.

6.2.5    Downloading, installing, storing or using malicious software, viruses, "cracking," and keystroke monitoring software.

6.2.6    Interfering with or disrupting another user's work or the proper function of District technology or services.

6.2.7    Leaving an active system unattended, thereby allowing an unauthorized person to gain access to District resources through the user's login session.  The individual assigned a computer/security account is accountable for any and all transactions entered under that computer/security account login.

6.2.8    Using District technology or the Internet for unlawful purposes.

6.2.9    Accessing, viewing, or altering any official record or file of the school or District.

7.0       Accounts. The District may provide accounts to students to allow access to District technology and the Internet, including without limitation network and email accounts.  The District may also provide or facilitate the creation of accounts for students through third parties.  Accounts managed by third parties often require information about students that may be subject to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, such as name, birthdate and District-provided email address.  Permission should be sought from parents when a third party requires information other than a student’s name, birthdate or District-provided email address for students under the age of 13.

8.0       Student Generated Content Limitations on School Web Sites. Online publication of student newspapers, yearbooks, and/or literary magazines may be included or directly linked from school web sites if the following items are observed:

8.1       Those sections are clearly identified as such in the site’s directory and in those sections themselves.

8.2       All materials published in these sections meet the requirements of school and District policies and state and federal laws including but not limited to C.R.S. § 22-1-120 and District Policy 6260.

8.3       The publication is supervised by an advisor assigned to the task by the principal or principal's designee.

8.4       Content contained in the publications shall be under the control of the staff members who are assigning and grading the work or overseeing the activity.  The school and District shall not be responsible for work created by a student that fails to conform to the above restrictions.

9.0       School Sponsored Student Organizations on School Web Sites. School sponsored and faculty-supervised student organizations that are curriculum related and recognized in accordance with District Policies 5620 or 6260, may have pages on the school web site.  The content of such pages shall be supervised by the student organization’s approved faculty sponsor.

10.0     Personal Technology. Student use of personal technology, when permitted, is subject to District Policy 5030 and this policy.

11.0     Protection of Private Information. Because the Internet is available publicly, special care should be taken to protect the privacy of students and staff.  No personal information about students or staff, such as home addresses and telephone numbers, may be included on a District hosted or sponsored web page.  Pictures of students and other directory information may be included unless the parent or eligible student has refused in writing to permit such information to be disclosed pursuant to District Policy 5300.

12.0     School District Makes No Warranties. The District makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, related to the use of District technology or the Internet.  Providing access to the Internet does not imply endorsement by the District of its content, nor does the District make any guarantee as to the accuracy or quality of information.  The District shall not be responsible for any damages, losses or costs a student suffers in using the Internet.  This includes loss of data and service interruptions.  Use of any information obtained via the Internet is at the student's own risk.

47 U.S.C. 201 et seq.
47 U.S.C. §254
47 U.S.C. § 231
20 U.S.C. § 6801 et seq.
C.R.S §22-87-101 et seq.

District Policy: 1800
District Policy: 3800
District Policy: 5300
District Policy: 5620
District Policy: 6260
District Policy: 8200
District Policy: 8300

Adams 12 Five Star Schools
Most Recent Adoption: June 16, 2021