5000: Student Code of Conduct
- District Students
- Series 5000
File: District Policy 5000 (pdf)
Most Recent Adoption: August 11, 2020
- Dress code
District Policy 5000
1.0 The Code of Conduct exists to help maintain an environment which is safe, conducive to learning, and free from unnecessary disruption. The Code of Conduct primarily consists of this policy and a subsequent series of policies identifying specific behavior expectations (See Exhibit A).
1.1 Students and parents or legal guardians shall be notified through student handbooks or similar informational bulletins of District policies concerning rights and responsibilities, rules of student conduct, and due process. The Code of Conduct, including grounds for which students may be suspended or expelled, shall be distributed once to each student in elementary, middle and high school and once to each new student in the District. Matters of common knowledge or practice shall be considered as notice of existing standards of conduct for students.
1.2 The principal or administrative designee may impose sanctions including suspension or may recommend expulsion of a student who engages in conduct identified in this policy which occurs in school buildings, on school grounds, in school buses or other school owned or operated vehicles, or while attending school activities or sanctioned events.
1.3 Students in third grade or higher grade levels may also be subject to sanctions including suspension or expulsion for behaviors that occur off campus as described by law and District Policy 5120.
2.0 Definitions.
2.1 School. Refers to any school within the District.
2.2 Parent. Refers to a student’s parent, legal guardian or legal custodian.
3.0 Grounds for sanctions including Suspension or Expulsion from School for Students in Third Grade and Higher Grade Levels. The principal or designated administrator may issue sanctions including suspension and may refer for expulsion a student in third grade or higher grade level who engages in one or more of the following activities as specifically identified by state statute.
3.1 Using or otherwise directing profanity, vulgar language, or obscene gestures toward others.
3.2 Continued willful disobedience or open and persistent defiance of proper authority.
3.3 Repeated interference with a school’s ability to provide educational opportunities to other students.
3.4 Repeated or substantial disrespect to or defiance of school staff.
3.5 Possessing, distributing, and/or communicating slanderous or libelous material.
3.6 Behavior which disrupts or is intended to disrupt the educational process.
3.7 Declaration as a habitually disruptive student according to District Policy 5090.
3.8 Violation of District Policy 5080 regarding gangs, secret societies or disruptive groups.
3.9 Indecent exposure, lewd behavior, or possession of pornography (print or electronic).
3.10 Rioting, unlawful protests, illegal disruptive demonstrations or other expression that violates the rights of others on any District property.
3.11 Intentionally causing or participating in a bomb threat, false alarm, or other false notice that disrupts the school environment.
3.12 Behavior on or off school property which is detrimental to the welfare or safety of other students or of school personnel, including behavior which creates a threat of physical harm to the student or to other students. This may include behavior which recklessly endangers students, staff or others.
3.13 Throwing objects, unless otherwise part of a supervised activity, which might cause bodily injury or damage property.
3.14 Unsafe operation of a motor vehicle on school property.
3.15 Violation of District Policy 5110 regarding bullying, harassment, hazing, intimidation or threats.
3.16 Violation of District Policies 5110, 8400 or 8410 regarding discrimination or harassment, including sexual harassment.
3.17 Violations of District Policy 5070 regarding violence, fighting, and other aggressive behavior.
3.18 Violation of criminal law which negatively impacts the school or the general safety or welfare of students or staff.
3.19 The commission of an act that if committed by an adult would be robbery according to Colorado statute.
3.20 The commission of an act that if committed by an adult would be assault according to Colorado statute.
3.21 Violations against staff including incidents of assault upon, disorderly conduct toward, harassment of, knowingly making false allegations of child abuse against, or any criminal act directed toward a school employee.
3.22 Violation of District Policy 5100 regarding dangerous items.
3.23 Violation of District Policy 5100 regarding firearms or dangerous weapons. Expulsion is mandatory for bringing or possessing a firearm at school.
3.24 Violation of District Policy 5050 regarding tobacco or Policy 5045 regarding tobacco, nicotine and controlled substance delivery mechanisms.
3.25 Violation of District Policy 5040 regarding drugs, alcohol or controlled substances.
3.26 Violation of District Policy 5650 or 5670 regarding posting or distributing unauthorized materials on campus.
3.27 Gambling or wagering items of value.
3.28 Lying or knowingly giving false information verbally or in writing to a staff member.
3.29 Scholastic dishonesty, including but not limited to cheating, plagiarism or unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing academic work.
3.30 Stealing, attempting to steal, borrowing or possessing without authorization property from another student, school employee or from the school itself.
3.31 Using, making or reproducing another person’s signature for deceptive purposes, including counterfeiting documents or currency.
3.32 Failure to report a Condition that puts students or staff at risk of imminent harm.
3.33 Violation of District Policy 5060 regarding dress code.
3.34 Violation of District Policy 5030 regarding cell phones or electronic devices.
3.35 Violation of District Policies 5035 and 8200 regarding use of District technology or the internet.
3.36 Damaging private property of others.
3.37 Willful destruction or defacing of school property.
3.38 Failure to comply with Colorado law regarding immunization requirements in violation of District Policy 5410. Any suspension or expulsion for failure to comply with immunization requirements will not be documented as a disciplinary action but will be documented along with the student’s immunization record and an explanation in the student’s cumulative file.
3.39 Violation of District Policy 5120 regarding off-campus behavior.
3.40 Violation of District Policies or building regulations not otherwise referenced in this policy.
4.0 Grounds for sanctions including Suspension or Expulsion from School for Students in Preschool through Second Grade. The principal or designated administrator may issue sanctions including suspension and may refer for expulsion a student in preschool through second grade who engages in one or more of the following activities as specifically identified by state statute.
4.1 Violation of District Policy 5100 as it pertains to the possession of a firearm or other dangerous weapon. Expulsion is mandatory for bringing or possessing a firearm at school.
4.2 Violation of District Policy 5040 as it pertains to the use, possession or sale of a drug or a controlled substance as defined by C.R.S. 18-18-102(5).
4.3 Conduct that endangers the health or safety of others.
C.R.S. 18-12-101
C.R.S. 18-12-102
C.R.S. 18-12-109
C.R.S. 22-32-109
C.R.S. 22-32-126
C.R.S. 22-33-105
C.R.S. 22-33-106
C.R.S. 22-33-106.1
18 USC 921
Policy 3500
Policy 4300
Policy 5010
Policy 5015
Policy 5020
Policy 5030
Policy 5035
Policy 5040
Policy 5050
Policy 5060
Policy 5070
Policy 5080
Policy 5090
Policy 5100
Policy 5110
Policy 5120
Policy 5410
Policy 5650
Policy 5670
Policy 8200
Policy 8400
Policy 8410
Adams 12 Five Star Schools
Most Recent Adoption: August 11, 2020
Exhibit A
District Policy 5000
Code of Conduct Table of Contents |
Primary Policies |
5010 |
Student Due Process |
5020 |
Student Attendance |
5025 |
Parental Notice of Dropout Status |
5030 |
Student Use of Cell Phones, and Other Personal Electronic Devices |
5035 |
Student Use of District Technology and, the Internet |
5040 |
Student Drug, Alcohol and Controlled Substance Offenses |
5045 |
Tobacco, Nicotine and Controlled Substance Delivery Mechanisms |
5050 |
Student Tobacco Possession and Use |
5060 |
Student Dress Code |
5070 |
Student Violence, Fights and Aggressive Behavior |
5080 |
Gangs, Secret Societies and Disruptive Groups |
5090 |
Student Habitually Disruptive Behavior |
5100 |
Student Weapons and Dangerous Items in School |
5110 |
Student Bullying, Harassment, Hazing, Intimidation and Threatening Behavior |
5120 |
Off-Campus Behavior |
Related Policies |
3500 |
Safe Schools |
4115 |
Classroom Removal of Disruptive Students by a Teacher |
4300 |
Employee/Authorized Volunteer Protection |
5130 |
Search and Seizure |
5440 |
Communicable Diseases-Students |
5650 |
Distribution of Printed Materials on School Premises |
5670 |
Distribution of Non-District Related Materials |
8200 |
Internet Safety Policy |
8400 |
Nondiscrimination |
8410 |
Sexual Harassment (Title IX) |
- Dress code