8500: Political and Campaign Matters
- Internal Superintendent Policies
- Series 8000
File: District Policy 8500 (pdf)
Most Recent Adoption: September 12, 2014
District Policy 8500
1.0 Use of Facilities. Use of District facilities for political or campaign purposes (other than in connection with student curricular activities) shall be governed by District Policy 1300. Employees shall not be permitted to use District facilities, including faculty lounges, for the purpose of meeting to support or oppose a candidate for public office or a ballot issue unless the requirements of District Policy 1300 have been followed.
2.0 Candidate and Issue Petitions. Petitions in support of or in opposition to any candidate for political office or in support of or against any issue proposed for ballot certification, including but not limited to candidates for the board of education and petitions concerning District ballot questions, shall not be circulated to employees or students during work hours or school hours.
3.0 Political Signage. There shall be no political and/or campaign signs placed on or in the facilities or on the grounds of the District.
4.0 Use of Equipment. Use of school or District letterhead, printing and copying equipment, telephones, computers (including email communications), the District’s interoffice mail system (“pony”), bulk mailing permit, other District equipment or resources, or staff time to urge voters to vote in favor of or against any ballot issue or candidate is prohibited.
5.0 Use of Bulletin Boards. Placement of political material on school or District bulletin boards is prohibited except to the extent such a bulletin board is generally available for public use as outlined in District Policy 5670.
6.0 Use of District Forum.
6.1 The District must present both sides of issues; all candidates must have the opportunity for equal time. The District’s method of communicating an invitation, access given to District facilities, and the opportunity to present information and positions must be substantially the same for all candidates.
6.2 As citizens of the District, candidates may participate in school meetings to the same extent members of the public are allowed to participate in such meetings.
7.0 Distribution of Political and Campaign Literature.
7.1 Distribution of political and campaign literature on school grounds is prohibited during the school day. Such information may be distributed before or after the school day in such locations and in such manner established by the principal in order to address traffic, safety, and educational interests.
7.1.1 A building principal may designate a temporary table or location at which candidates may leave campaign materials during a public after-school event while the event is in session. It is the responsibility of each candidate or committee to remove campaign material immediately after the event; campaign materials remaining after the event will be discarded.
7.2 Information which promotes, favors, or opposes candidates for public office and/or ballot issues may not be sent home via students nor included in school newsletters.
7.3 If a ballot issue is of “official concern” to the District, the District may make expenditures to publish newsletters, flyers, and other materials which present a balanced, factual summary of a ballot question. The summary must include statements in support of and against the issue, may not be slanted in favor of either position, and may not include a conclusion or opinion in favor of or against the issue. An issue of official concern shall be limited to issues that will appear on an election ballot in the District.
7.4 If the Board of Education adopts a resolution concerning a ballot issue, the resolution may be reported through established, customary means. A special flyer reporting the Board resolution or an advertisement paid by the District are inappropriate.
8.0 Communication of Political and Campaign Matters Policy. A summary of this policy shall be included in school and District publications in advance of significant federal, state, or local elections.
Adams 12 Five Star Schools
Most Recent Adoption: September 12, 2014