0_Index to District Policies
How to use this Index
This is an index to the terms and codes in Adams 12 Five Star Schools policy classification system. The index has the following features:
- Words or phrases which are not underlined may lead the user to a specific policy title. They are followed by information on what other titles to see in the index.
- References to Master Agreements and Board Policies are not included in this Index. Be sure to consult these separate documents as may be indicated by an individual question.
File: Index (pdf)
Absences and Excuses (See “Student Attendance”; “Make-up Work”)
Abuse Reporting, Child (See “Reporting Child Abuse/Neglect”)
5240 Acceleration and Grade Skipping (See also “Age Requirement: Kindergarten)
8100 Accessible Information and Communication Technology
Accountability (See “Shared Decision Making”; “Parent/Community Engagement in Education”)
5420 Administering Medications to Students (See also “Administration of Medical Marijuana to Qualified Students”)
5425 Administration of Medical Marijuana to Qualified Students (See also “Administering Medications to Students”)
Administrative Personnel (See “Selection and Appointment of Administrators”; “Administrative Transfers”)
2110 Administrative Transfers
Admission of International Exchange Students (See “International Exchange Students”)
Admission of Nonresident Students (See “Student Residency”)
Admission, Denial of (See “Denial of Admission”)
Advanced Classes (See “Post-Secondary Planning and Enrollment Options”)
Advanced College Placement (See “Post-Secondary Planning and Enrollment Options”)
After School Programs (See “Before and After School Enrichment (BASE) Programs”)
5230 Age Requirement: Kindergarten (See also “Acceleration and Grade Skipping”)
Alcohol or Illegal Drugs, Employee Use of (See “Employee Use of Drugs, Alcohol or Controlled Substances”)
Allergies (See “Students with Food Allergies”)
Animals (See “Service Animals on District Property”; “Therapy Dogs on District Property”)
Annuities (See “Tax Sheltered Annuities and Other Deferred Compensation Arrangements”)
Assemblies (See “Religious Content and Materials”)
Assessments (See “Student Assessment”)
5530 At Risk Students
4120 Athletic Coaches
6250 Athletics
Attendance Areas (See “School Attendance Areas”)
Audio Recording/Monitoring (See “Video and Audio Monitoring”)
Auditorium Use by Public (See “Community Use of District-owned Facilities”)
3730 Authorized Personnel in School Kitchens
Authorization of Purchases (See “Procurement and Signature Authority”)
5800 BASE
Beepers (See “Student Use of Cell Phones and Other Personal Electronic Devices”)
5800 Before and After School Enrichment (BASE) Programs
3330 Bid Protest Policy
Birth Control, Student (See “Student Pregnancy/Birth Control Issues and Sexual Activity”)
Bomb Threats (See “Emergency Response Plan”; “Student Due Process”)
Book Complaints (See “Teaching About Controversial Issues and the Use of Controversial Materials”; “Challenges to Curriculum, Instructional Materials and Activities”)
1400 Booster Organizations/Parent Groups
Boundary Change (See “School Attendance Areas”)
Building Use (See “Community Use of District-Owned Facilities”)
3810 Building Access
Bullying (See “Student Bullying, Harassment, Hazing, Intimidation and Threatening Behavior”)
Buses, School (See “Student Transportation”)
3350 Business Sponsorships, Advertising Agreements and Exclusivity Contracts
Cafeterias (See “Nutrition Services Operations”)
Calendar (See “Perpetual School Calendar”)
Cellular Phones (See “Student Use of Cell Phones and Other Personal Electronic Devices” and “Employee Cell Phone and Other Personal Electronic Communication Devices”)
Censorship (See “Teaching About Controversial Issues and the Use of Controversial Materials”; “Challenges to Curriculum, Instructional Materials and Activities”)
Ceremonies (See “Religious Content and Materials”; “Memorials, Vigils and Remembrances”)
1500 Challenges to Curriculum, Instructional Materials and Activities
1600 Charter Schools
Child Abuse Reporting (See “Reporting Child Abuse/Neglect”)
5260 Choice of Schools and School Transfers
Citizens’ Committees (See “Parent/Community Engagement in Education”)
8900 Classified Employee’s Rights and Responsibilities
4115 Classroom Removal of Disruptive Students by a Teacher
Classroom Space (See “Use of Classroom Space”)
Clothing, Prohibited (See “Staff Dress, Accessories and Grooming”; “Student Dress Code”)
Clubs (See “Co-Curricular Student Organizations”)
Coaches (See “Athletic Coaches”)
5620 Co-Curricular Student Organizations
College Classes (See “Post-Secondary Planning and Enrollment Options”)
4310 Communicable Diseases - Staff
5440 Communicable Diseases – Students
Community Engagement in Shared Decision Making (See “Parent/Community Engagement in Education”; “Shared Decision Making”)
1300 Community Use of District-Owned Facilities
Compensation (See “Guidelines for Compensating Certified Staff – Opening New Schools/Renovating of Existing Schools”)
Complaint (See “Public Complaint”)
Computer Use (See “Employee Use of Computers, the Internet and Electronic Communications”; “Student Use of District Technology and the Internet”)
Conduct Code (See “Student Code of Conduct”; “Staff Conduct”)
Conferences (See “Employee Professional Learning and Development Travel Expenses and Reimbursement”)
Conflict of Interest, Staff (See “Staff Ethics/Conflicts of Interest/Nepotism”)
Consulting Activities, Staff (See “Staff Ethics/Conflicts of Interest/Nepotism”)
Contracts (See “Procurement Policies”; “Procurement and Signature Authority”; “Procurement Competition Requirements”)
4230 Controlled Substance and Alcohol Testing for Employees with Driving Responsibilities
Controversial Issues (See “Teaching About Controversial Issues and the Use of Controversial Materials”; “Challenges to Curriculum, Instruction Materials and Activities”)
6600 Copyright
5140 Corporal Punishment
Corporate Sponsorships (See “Business Sponsorships, Advertising Agreements and Exclusivity Contracts”)
6200 Course/Program Development
5275 Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education (CLDE)
Day Care (See “Before and After School Enrichment (BASE) Programs”)
Debarment (See “Suspension and Debarment”)
Delay of School (See “Emergency School Closure and One-Hour Delays”)
5220 Denial of Admission
Detention of Students (See “Student Code of Conduct”; “Student Due Process”)
Development of Policies (See “Policy Development, Modification and Deletion”)
Dietary Needs (See “Nutrition Services Operations”; “Students with Food Allergies”)
Diplomas (See “Graduation Exercises”, “Graduation Requirements”)
Disabled Individuals (See “Nondiscrimination”)
Disaster Plan (See “Emergency Response Plan”)
Discipline (See “Corporal Punishment”; “Student Code of Conduct”; “Student Due Process”; “Classroom Removal of Disruptive Students by a Teacher”)
Discrimination (See “Nondiscrimination”; “Student Code of Conduct”; “Student Due Process”; “Equal Employment Opportunity”)
Dismissal of Students (See “Student Release at Other than Normal Dismissal Times”; “Emergency School Closure and Student Release at Other Than Normal Dismissal Time”)
6245 Dissection and Observation of Animals
Disruptive Students (See “Classroom Removal of Disruptive Students by a Teacher”; “Student Code of Conduct”; “Student Due Process”; “Student Habitually Disruptive Behavior”)
Distribution of Printed Materials on School Premises (See “Student Distribution of Non-School Materials”)
5670 Distribution of School/District/Non-District Related Materials
District Technology Systems and Resources (See “Internet Safety Policy”)
5450 Do Not Resuscitate Orders
8310 Document Control (See also “Records Management”)
Dogs (See “Service Animals on District Property”; Therapy Dogs on District Property”)
Dress Code (See “Safe Schools”; “Staff Dress, Accessories and Grooming”; “Student Dress Code”)
Dropout (See “Parental Notice of Dropout Status”)
Drugs (See “Controlled Substance and Alcohol Testing for Employees with Driving Responsibilities”; “Employee Use of Drugs, Alcohol or Controlled Substances”; “Student Drug, Alcohol and Controlled Substance Offenses”; Tobacco, Nicotine and Controlled Substance Delivery Mechanisms”)
6291 Dual Enrollment
Due Process (See “Student Due Process”)
6500 Educational Research
Electronic Devices (See “Employee Cell Phones and Other Personal Electronic Communication Devices“; “Student Use of Cell Phones and Other Personal Electronic Devices”)
Elementary School Retention (See “Retention”)
3510 Emergency Response Plan
5710 Emergency School Closure and One-Hour Delays
3740 Employee and Visitor Tobacco and Nicotine Use
4300 Employee/Authorized Volunteer Protection
4180 Employee Cell Phones and Other Personal Electronic Communication Devices
4185 Employee Use of Computers, the Internet and Electronic Communications
4210 Employee Use of Drugs, Alcohol or Controlled Substances
Enrollment (See “International Exchange Students”; “Student Residency”; “Choice of Schools and School Transfers”)
Entrance Age (See “Age Requirement: Kindergarten”; “Acceleration, and Grade Skipping”)
Equal Educational Opportunities (See “Nondiscrimination”)
4140 Equal Employment Opportunity
3800 Equipment Protection
Evacuation of Building (See “Emergency Response Plan”)
Exchange Students (See “International Exchange Students”)
Excuses for Student Absences (See “Student Attendance”)
3200 Expenditures
Expenses and Reimbursement for School District Activities (See “Expenditures”; “Employee Professional Learning and Development Travel Expenses and Reimbursement”)
Expulsion (See “Student Code of Conduct; Student Due Process”)
7300 Facilities (See Also “Use of Classroom Space”; “Community Use of District-Owned Facilities”; Naming of Facilities”)
3410 False Claims Act Protections
Fees, Student Activities (See “Athletics”; “Student Fees”)
6270 Field Trips and Activity Travel
3820 Flag Displays (See also “Pledge of Allegiance”)
Food Allergies (See “Students with Food Allergies”)
Food Service Management (See “Nutrition Services Operations”)
Foreign Exchange Students (See “International Exchange Students”)
Foreign Travel (See “Field Trips and Activity Travel”)
5640 Fundraising
5080 Gangs, Secret Societies and Disruptive Groups
4000 General Personnel Policy
Grades, for Behavior (See “Student Code of Conduct”)
Grade Reports (See “Reporting Student Progress”)
Grade Skipping (See “Acceleration and Grade Skipping”)
6350 Graduation and Continuation Exercises
6340 Graduation Requirements
4160 Guidelines for Compensating Certified Staff – Opening New Schools/Renovating of Existing Schools
Handicapped Individuals (See “Nondiscrimination”)
Harassment (See “Nondiscrimination” and/or “Student Bullying, Harassment, Hazing, Intimidation and Threatening Behavior”)
3530 Hazardous Materials
Head Lice (See “Communicable Diseases – Students”)
Health (See ”Administering Medication to Students”; “Communicable Diseases – Staff”; “Communicable Diseases – Students”; “Controlled Substance and Alcohol Testing for Employees with Driving Responsibilities”; “Do Not Resuscitate Orders”; “Employee Use of Drugs, Alcohol or Controlled Substances”; ”Reporting Child Abuse/Neglect”; “Student Immunizations”; “Student Tobacco Possession and Use”; “Student Drug, Alcohol and Controlled Substance Offenses”)
6290 Homeschooling
5270 Homeless Students
6280 Homework
Immunizations (See “Student Immunizations”)
8600 Indemnification
6295 Independent Study
8900 Individual Rights and Responsibilities
Individual Rights and Responsibilities (See “Classified Employee’s Rights and Responsibilities”; “Parent Rights and Responsibilities”; “Principal Rights and Responsibilities”; “Student Rights and Responsibilities”; “Superintendent Rights and Responsibilities”; “Teacher Rights and Responsibilities”)
Inoculations of Students (See “Student Immunizations”)
6230 Instructional Materials (See also “Challenges to Curriculum, Instructional Materials and Activities”)
5280 International Exchange Students
Internet (See “Employee Use of Computers, the Internet and Electronic Communications”; “Student Use of District Technology and the Internet”; “Internet Safety Policy”)
8200 Internet Safety Policy
Interscholastic Athletics (See “Athletics”)
Intramural Programs (See “Athletics”)
3400 Investment Policy
Keys (See “Building Access”)
Kindergarten, Age Requirement (See “Age Requirement: Kindergarten”)
7200 Land Use and Development
3550 Law Enforcement in Schools
6205 Library Resources Selection and Reconsideration
Lice (See “Communicable Diseases – Students”)
7210 Location of Schools in Industrial and Business Park Zoning Districts
Lunch, School (See “Nutrition Services Operations”)
6281 Make-up Work
Medicaid Claims (See “False Claims Act Protections”)
5430 Medical Release for Students
5470 Medically Necessary Treatment in School
Medications (See “Administering Medications to Students”; “Administration of Medical Marijuana to Qualified Students”)
Middle School Retention Policy (See “Retention”)
Military Recruiters (See “Student School Records”; “Teaching About Controversial Issues and the Use of Controversial Materials”; “Distribution of School/District/Non-District Related Material”)
5610 Memorials, Vigils and Remembrances
Materials and Equipment (“Procurement”; “Equipment Protection”; “Building Access”; “Hazardous Materials”)
6240 Movies, Music and Media
Music (See “Movies, Music and Media”)
7500 Naming of Facilities
Nepotism (See “Staff Ethics/Conflicts of Interest/Nepotism”
8400 Nondiscrimination
Nonresident Students (See “Student Residency”)
Nurses (See “Private Duty Nurses”)
Nutrition Services (See “Nutrition Services Operations”; “Wellness Policy”)
3700 Nutrition Services Operations
5120 Off-Campus Behavior
Open Enrollment (See “Choice of Schools and School Transfers”)
Opening New Schools (See “Guidelines for Compensating Certified Staff-Opening New Schools/Renovating of Existing Schools”)
3610 Operation of District-Owned Small Vehicles
Organizations (See “Co-Curricular Student Organizations”; “Parent/Community Engagement in Education”; “Booster Organizations/Parent Groups”)
1000 Parent/Community Engagement in Education
Parent Organizations (See “Parent/Community Engagement in Education”; “Booster Organizations/Parent Groups”)
Parent-Teacher Conferences (See “Reporting Student Progress”)
5025 Parental Notice of Dropout Status
4240 Parental Notification of Felony Charges Against Employees
8900 Parent Rights and Responsibilities
Parents (See “Student School Records”; “Visitors to District Schools/Educational Support Center During Regular Business Hours”; “Volunteer Authorization”; “Parent Rights and Responsibilities”)
4000 Personnel, General
6100 Perpetual School Calendar
5150 Physical Intervention, Restraint and Seclusion
6255 Pledge of Allegiance (See also “Flag Displays”)
Policies, Waiver of (See “Waiver of District Policy”)
1110 Policy Development, Modification, and Deletion
8500 Political and Campaign Matters
6285 Post-Secondary Planning and Enrollment Options
Pregnancy (See “Student Pregnancy/Birth Control Issues and Sexual Activity”)
7220 Preliminary Drawings and Specifications
6296 Preschool Programs
8900 Principal Rights and Responsibilities
Printed Materials, Distribution of (See “Student Distribution of Non-School Materials”; “Distribution of School/District/Non-District Related Materials)
Printing and Duplicating Services (See “Copyright”)
5460 Private Duty Nurses
3300 Procurement Policies
3310 Procurement and Signature Authority
3320 Procurement Competition Requirements
Professional Growth (See “Expenditures”)
Public (See “Parent/Community Engagement in Education”; “Community Use of District-Owned Facilities”; “Challenges to Curriculum, Instructional Materials and Activities”; “Shared Decision Making”; “Employee and Visitor Tobacco and Nicotine Use”; Transportation – Use by Senior Citizen Groups”; Visitors to District Schools/Educational Support Center During Regular Business Hours”; Volunteer Authorization”; “Public Records Requests; “Public Conduct on District Property”; “Public Complaint”)
1550 Public Complaint
1210 Public Conduct on District Property
1800 Public Records Requests
Public Relations (See “Parent/Community Engagement in Education”)
Pupil Progress (See “Reporting Student Progress”)
Purchases, Authorization of (See “Procurement and Signature Authority”)
Purchasing (See “Procurement Policies”; “Expenditures”)
Questionnaires (See “Distribution of School/District/Non-District Related Materials”; “Student Distribution of Non-School Materials”; “Surveys and Psychological Services”)
Records, Student (See “Student School Records”)
8300 Records Management (See also “Document Control”)
4190 Released Time for Voting
6210 Religious Content and Materials
Renovating Existing Schools (See “Guidelines for Compensating Certified Staff-Opening New Schools/Renovating of Existing Schools”)
5540 Reporting Child Abuse/Neglect
6310 Reporting Student Progress
Research Requests (See “Educational Research”)
Restraint (See “Physical Intervention, Restraint and Seclusion”)
Restricted/Prohibited Expenditures (See “Expenditures”)
6320 Retention
Rights and Responsibilities (See “Individual Rights and Responsibilities”)
Route Establishment (See “Student Transportation”)
3500 Safe Schools
5250 School Attendance Areas
School Calendar (See “Perpetual School Calendar”)
School Closing (See “Emergency School Closure and One-Hour Delays”)
School Kitchens (See “Authorized Personnel in School Kitchens”)
School Lunch Service (See “Nutrition Services Operations”)
School Transfers (See “Choice of Schools and School Transfers”)
5130 Search and Seizure
Second Jobs (See “Staff Ethics/Conflicts of Interest/Nepotism”)
2100 Selection and Appointment of Administrators
1220 Service Animals on District Property
Sex Education (See “Teaching About Controversial Issues and the Use of Controversial Materials”)
8410 Sexual Harassment (Title IX)
3540 Sex Offender Information (See also “Student Sex Offenders”)
1100 Shared Decision Making
Smoking (See “Employee and Visitor Tobacco and Nicotine Use”; “Student Tobacco Possession and Use”; “Tobacco, Nicotine and Controlled Substance Delivery Mechanisms”)
Special Education (See “Nondiscrimination”)
Sports (See “Athletics”)
4135 Staff Conduct
4130 Staff Ethics/Conflicts of Interest/Nepotism
4100 Staff Dress, Accessories and Grooming
Staff Protection (See “Employee/Authorized Volunteer Protection”)
4110 Staff Relations with Students
Staff Rights and Responsibilities (See “Individual Rights and Responsibilities”)
Student Activities Fees (See “Athletics”; “Student Fees”)
6300 Student Assessment
5020 Student Attendance
5110 Student Bullying, Harassment, Hazing, Intimidation and Threatening Behavior
Student Choice (See “Choice of Schools and School Transfers”)
Student Clubs (See “Co-Curricular Student Organizations”)
5000 Student Code of Conduct
Student Discipline (See “Student Code of Conduct”; “Student Due Process”)
5650 Student Distribution of Non-School Materials
5060 Student Dress Code
5040 Student Drug, Alcohol and Controlled Substance Offenses
Student Drug Abuse (See “Student Drug, Alcohol and Controlled Substance Offenses”)
5010 Student Due Process
5630 Student Fees
Student Field Trips and Activity Travel (See “Field Trips and Activity Travel”)
Student Gangs (See Gangs, Secret Societies, and Disruptive Groups”)
5090 Student Habitually Disruptive Behavior
5410 Student Immunizations
Student Organizations (See “Co-Curricular Student Organizations”; “Athletics”; “Student Press”)
Student Participation in Athletics (See “Athletics”)
6400 Student Pregnancy/Birth Control Issues and Sexual Activity
6260 Student Press
Student Publications (See “Student Press”)
5700 Student Release at Other Than Normal Dismissal Time (See also “Emergency School Closure and One- Hour Delays”)
5210 Student Residency
8900 Student Rights and Responsibilities
5300 Student School Records
5900 Student Sex Offenders
5050 Student Tobacco Possession and Use
Student Transfer (See “Choice of Schools and School Transfers”)
3600 Student Transportation
5030 Student Use of Cell Phones and Other Personal Electronic Devices
5035 Student Use of District Technology and the Internet
5070 Student Violence, Fights, and Aggressive Behavior
5100 Student Weapons and Dangerous Items in School
5415 Students with Food Allergies
Substance Abuse (See “Controlled Substance and Alcohol Testing for Employees with Driving Responsibilities”; “Employee Use of Drugs, Alcohol or Controlled Substances”; “Student Drug, Alcohol and Controlled Substance Offenses”)
5520 Suicide Assessment
Summer Programs (See “Before and After School Enrichment (BASE) Programs”)
8900 Superintendent Rights and Responsibilities
Surveys (See “Surveys and Psychological Services”; “Student Distribution of Non-School Materials”; “Distribution of School/District/Non-District Related Materials”)
6510 Surveys and Psychological Services
3340 Suspension and Debarment
Suspension, Student (See “Student Code of Conduct”; “Student Due Process”)
Tattoos (See “Gangs, Secret Societies and Disruptive Groups”)
4170 Tax Sheltered Annuities and Other Deferred Compensation Arrangements
8900 Teacher Rights and Responsibilities
6220 Teaching About Controversial Issues and the Use of Controversial Materials (See also “Challenges to Curriculum, Instructional Materials and Activities”)
Textbooks (See “Instructional Materials”)
1225 Therapy Dogs on District Property
5510 Threat Assessments
Title IX (See “Sexual Harassment (Title IX)
5045 Tobacco Nicotine and Controlled Substance Delivery Mechanisms (See also “Student Tobacco Possession and Use”; “Employee and Visitor Tobacco and Nicotine Use”)
Transfer of Students (See “Choice of Schools and School Transfers”)
Transfer of Administrators (See “Administrative Transfers”)
Transportation (See “”Operation of District-Owned Small Vehicles”; “Student Transportation”; “Transportation–Use by Senior Citizen Groups”)
3620 Transportation – Use by Senior Citizen Groups
Travel Expenses (See “Expenditures”)
Tuition (See “Student Residency”; “International Exchange Students”)
United States Flag (See “Flag Displays”; “Pledge of Allegiance”)
7400 Use of Classroom Space
Vehicles (See “Operation of District-Owned Small Vehicles”; “Transportation-Use by Senior Citizen Groups”)
3520 Video and Audio Monitoring
1200 Visitors to District Schools/Educational Support Center During Regular Business Hours
8800 Volunteer Authorization
Voting (See “Released Time for Voting”)
1120 Waiver of District Policy
4136 Weapons (See also “Student Weapons and Dangerous Items in School”; “Student Code of Conduct; “Student Due Process”)
3720 Wellness Policy