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Summer BASE

2025 Summer BASE Registration Information:


However, due to families who have declined their spots received, we have a limited number of openings available at select school locations. These available spots will continue to be posted on our webpage if they remain. Summer BASE Sites with openings can be found below in the 2025 Summer BASE Locations & Availability dropdown.

If you are interested in securing one of these openings, please contact the site directly via phone or email. Spots will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Your email or phone message will be timestamped in the order they are received.

We appreciate your interest in our Adams 12 Summer BASE Programs.


UPDATED 1/31/2025: The 2025 SUMMER BASE PROGRAMS ARE NOW FULL.  All spots were filled during the January registration window.  Site enrollment is subject to change, pending current acceptance. Please check back on Monday, February 3, 2025 at 9:00am for an updated list.


Updated 12/1/2025: We are happy to announce that our 2025 Summer BASE Programs will open on Wednesday, June 4, 2025 and will operate Monday-Friday, 7:15 am - 5:15 pm. The final day of Summer BASE will be Friday, August 1, 2025. Summer BASE sites will attend 2-3 offsite field trips each week. 

Summer BASE participants must be five years of age on or before June 4, 2025, and enrolled in an Adams 12 Five Star School for the upcoming school year in grades K-5, or if the student completed grade 5 at the school site and is enrolled for grade 6 within the district. 

Please note that space in our 2025 Summer BASE program is limited. For more information and details regarding the Summer BASE Program review the 2025 Summer BASE Parent Letter.

Registration Dates: Summer registration will take place on January 10-20, 2025, for all families. To indicate your interest in registering for Summer BASE, families need to complete the 2025 Summer BASE Interest Form.

Beginning Monday, February 3, 2025, registration will re-open at 9:00 AM and occur on a first-come, first-serve basis if Summer BASE Programs did not fill during the January registration window.