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GT Parents Group

Phone: 720-972-4000

Gifted Parents Group facilitates the growth and success of Adams 12 Five Star Schools Gifted and Talented (GT) students by addressing the unique needs of this student population and their families. We hope you will join us and become involved for the benefit of your family and all Five Star District GT families.


As the organization was formed, discussions around important potential activities that would be beneficial to the Gifted and Talented (GT) community were grouped into the following five areas of focus:

  • Resources:  identification of GT resource gaps and work to provide needed resources through collaboration with parents, schools, the school district and the community
  • Policy:  participation in the development, implementation and communication of GT-related district guidelines and policies in conjunction with district staff
  • Advocacy:  act as advocates for GT students, families, parent groups, schools and GT programs to affect change at the school, district or state level
  • Education:  facilitate unique educational opportunities for advanced learning and GT-related topics for students and their families
  • Community:  cultivate a strong GT community in Adams 12 Five Star Schools by creating opportunities for interactions between families, schools and the community

CAGT Affiliation & Board Items

More Information

Visit the GT Parents Group website