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Special Education Advisory Committee

Phone: 720-972-4791

The Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) is a committee at Adams 12 that meets approximately 3 times a year to bring together parents, staff, students, and members of the community in order to make a positive impact on students with special needs and learning differences. This is a parent focused group that is designed to network and build a community as well as provide support and resources for families who have students with special needs. We would love to have you join! Please complete this form to indicate your interest!

2023 SEAC Flyer (Spanish flyer)


Why the Group Exists

SEAC Mission
To encourage a partnership with families of children/youth with special needs and learning differences, community members and the school district to impact the decisions made on their behalf, and enhance the quality of educational services.

SEAC Vision
All learners are respected and challenged with high expectations, their needs are met, and student aspirations for success are fulfilled. 

Adams 12 Department that oversees SEAC

Student Support Services:
SSS Coordinator, Mariah Garcia (720) 972-4791

Parent Resources Shared at SEAC Meetings