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Phone 720-972-4071  Contact Human Resources

We offer a wide variety of volunteer opportunities based on what each school needs.Some jobs provide volunteers with a chance to work with children, while many other jobs focus on clerical or support functions. Each school’s principal determines where volunteers are most helpful and what tasks are most needed.

If you're interested in volunteering, please read the information below on specific volunteer opportunities, application procedures, district policies and the volunteer code of conduct agreement. Our volunteers' contributions to the lives of our students and community are invaluable. We are grateful to have a community of citizens of all ages that values the future of our kids.

Volunteer assignment examples:

Application Procedures:

District Policies

As a volunteer, you should be familiar with district policies applicable to your role. While we’ve included brief summaries of these policies below, we encourage you to read these policies in their entirety. You can find the full policies at this page. Simply browse through the Table of Contents or search for a specific policy by number. You can also request a printed copy from Human Resources at 720-972-4071.