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Health Services

The Health Services team is comprised of school nurses and health aides. Our school nurses are assigned 2-3 schools and work with students and staff to provide health services during the school day. A school nurse holds a Bachelor's of Science in Nursing, and a license from the Colorado Department of Education as a Special Service Provider. Many of our school nurses have Master's Degrees in Nursing, and several are certified through the National Board of Certification for school nurses. Each school has a health office staffed with a full-time health aide. Our school health aides are certified and trained in CPR, First Aid, medication administration, and diabetes care.

Health-related tasks commonly performed by a parent/guardian at home take on a complex dimension in the school setting. Any health-related procedures provided in schools require medical orders along with training and delegation to school staff by the school nurse. Please contact your school nurse for questions about a specific health condition or health need.  


Students with chronic or acute health conditions who may need additional support related to attendance and access to education may be eligible for protection under Section 504 and/or Homebound Services.

School Nurse Team

Adams 12 Nurses