Home-Based Programs
Contact Kristy Klein, SSS Coordinator of Home-Based Programs, at kristy.klein@adams12.org
Home Instruction is provided for IDEA eligible Special Education students whose medical and/or mental health needs prevent regular school attendance for an extended period of time. Home Instruction provides an opportunity for a Special Education student to continue his/her education and receive services as outlined in the student’s IEP during absences of more than 15 consecutive school days.
The Homebound Education referral process begins with contacting your child's home school or school of enrollment principal/designee to discuss a referral for Home Instruction Education.
Homebound instruction is available to General Education Students with a current Section 504 Plan who are unable to attend school due to a qualifying medical or psychological condition. The ultimate purpose of Homebound Instruction is to prevent interruption in the student’s participation in academic curriculum while they are unable to attend a conventional school site. Homebound Instruction is a temporary placement. A student who receives instructional services in his home school should not expect the district to continue the arrangement indefinitely.
The Homebound Instruction referral process begins with the Parent/Guardian contacting the principal/designee of the child’s home school or school of enrollment to discuss a referral for Homebound Instruction.