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Intervention Services

Phone: 720-972-4146 - Contact Intervention Services

Intervention Services Team January 2023

The Office of Intervention Services serves as a resource to support students, families, and schools by providing a continuum of prevention and intervention for students who may be at risk or are struggling to engage at school. We are here to partner with you as you navigate the next steps in your student’s academic career.

Our office consists of Case managers, Behavior Specialists, a Re-Engagement Counselor,  two Mental Health Professionals as a result of the EARSS Grant, and support staff collectively committed to professional practices that promote student engagement.

Services We Provide

  • Consultation to schools and families regarding best practices in the areas of attendance and behavior.
  • Facilitate attendance court proceedings with the 17th Judicial District Court and Broomfield County.
  • Facilitate and manage expulsion processes in Adams 12 Five Star Schools.
  • Collaborate to provide wrap around services for the most impacted students in the Adams 12 Five Star Schools.
  • Partner with several county agencies (i.e. The Community Reach Center and Adams County Health and Human Services) to provide a continuum of services students for students “At Risk” of dropping out because of their involvement in the juvenile justice system.