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Alternative to Suspension

Phone: 720-972-4146 - Contact Intervention Services

The decision making class is designed to address decision-making skills as they relate to boundaries, theft/delinquency, disrespect, disruption, and any behavioral manifestation that indicates a lack of skill in making good decisions. The format of the class is designed to provide nonjudgmental instruction to students and parents on the development of skills related to decision-making, boundaries, communication and respect.  

Drug and Alcohol

The drug and alcohol class is designed to provide education to students and parents regarding substance use.  This class will be an interactive and engaging class that focuses on providing support and education for our students and families that are experiencing struggles with substance use.  Our goal is to provide support and resources to reduce substance use inside and outside of school.

Online Options

Adams 12 Five Star Schools has also partnered with 3rd Millennium Classrooms to provide online prevention and intervention courses. The courses provide education regarding nicotine, marijuana, alcohol, other drugs, and healthy relationships.